WindowsAppCommunity / UWPCommunityApp

A UWP companion app for the UWP Community website
13 stars 5 forks source link

Fix System.Exception: Una operación asincrónica no se inició correctamente. Only a single ContentDialog can be open at any time. in ComCallHelpers.Call (__ComObject, RuntimeTypeHandle, Int32, Void*) #192

Open yoshiask opened 2 years ago

yoshiask commented 2 years ago



Interop.ComCallHelpers.Call(ComObject, RuntimeTypeHandle, Int32, Void*) + 0xbe;__Interop

UWPCommunity.Views.Subviews.EditProjectView.d__12.MoveNext() + 0x91b;UWPCommunity.Views.Subviews.EditProjectView

Interop.ComCallHelpers.Call(ComObject, RuntimeTypeHandle, Int32) + 0xb8;__Interop

__Interop.ForwardComStubs.Stub_20[TThis](ComObject, Int32) + 0x24;Interop


System.Exception: Una operación asincrónica no se inició correctamente.

Only a single ContentDialog can be open at any time.

Link to App Center

FrayxRulez commented 2 years ago

You can upload symbols to AppCenter to get a proper stack trace!