WindowsLies / BlockWindows

Stop Windows 10 Nagging and Spying. Works with Win7-10
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Open v998 opened 9 years ago

v998 commented 9 years ago This should be related to the online push notification.. This should be related to the OneDrive folder sync.. (but it still makes connection when I am not logged in) NOTE: As what I saw in netstat, the make connection to the Akamai CDN with a random subdomain (that is, ** Any points for allowing/blocking them?

One more question: In Can the be changed by as the same logic as the hosts file?

rmenessec commented 9 years ago

Apparently, some Windows apps are confused by not having a reverse DNS record (PTR). If you decide to use instead, you may want to give it a name in hosts: nullroute

The name itself doesn't or shouldn't matter. Since new gTLDs are being born practically every week now, you might want to qualify the name as well. Perhaps 'nullhost.nullroute'. Or ''. Whatever.

Also, note that recent releases of Windows always ship with IPv6 enabled. Either disable it if you don't plan to use it or look into making sure you have corresponding entries in hosts. ::/128 is the short-form address and netmask of "unspecified address"; the equivalent of V4's v6's localhost is ::1/128.

To be clearer, most or all recent OSes prefer v6 routes by default, and most large Internet services provide v6 routing and DNS. At this moment, appears to resolve to 2a01:111:f004:b0::101, on Akamai's CDN. If your ISP doesn't provide v6 routing, you're in the clear. If you're using a laptop or tablet and you take it someplace with v6 routing, suddenly your device will be communicating with Microsoft again.