Winds-Studio / Leaf

Personal Performance fork, A Minecraft Server Software for Winds Network
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JumpPads don't work #24

Closed Pascalpex closed 6 months ago

Pascalpex commented 7 months ago

Plugins that modify the player velocity like jumppads or double jumps do not work on Leaf. They do work on Purpur, Gale or PandaSpigot Example Plugin:

lilingfengdev commented 7 months ago

可以给出日志吗(CN) Can you give the logs (EN)

Dreeam-qwq commented 7 months ago

可以给出日志吗(CN) Can you give the logs (EN)

It’s an known issue, 0045-PandaSpigot-Configurable-knockback.patch causes it. I will check this during this weekend.

Pascalpex commented 6 months ago

The issue is no longer present in the latest version