Winds-Studio / Leaf

Personal Performance fork, A Minecraft Server Software for Winds Network
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Refactor: Leaf Config v3 #81

Closed Dreeam-qwq closed 2 months ago

Dreeam-qwq commented 2 months ago

Leaf Config v3

I used ConfigMaster-API as config framework to refactor current Leaf Config. For now, the config file format is yaml/yml instead of toml. And is also support loaded by spark web profiler.



Current config preview:

leaf-global.yml ```yml # Leaf Config # Github Repo: # Discord: # QQ Group: 715128273 config-version: 3.0 ########### # ASYNC # ########### async: async-pathfinding: enabled: false max-threads: 0 keepalive: 60 ########## # PERF # ########## performance: # Use the new Virtual Thread introduced in JDK 21 for CraftAsyncScheduler. use-virtual-thread-for-async-scheduler: true # Throttles the AI goal selector in entity inactive ticks. # This can improve performance by a few percent, but has minor gameplay implications. inactive-goal-selector-throttle: true skip-map-item-data-updates-if-map-does-not-have-craftmaprenderer: true optimized-powered-rails: true optimize-minecart: # Enable this feature to handle large amount of stacked Minecart better. # By skipping tick collisions to reduce expense getting entities list # and bukkit event calls, useful for the anarchy server. enabled: false skip-tick-count: 30 # May cause the inconsistent order of future compose tasks. faster-structure-gen-future-sequencing: true # Use faster random generator? (Up to 100X faster) # Requires a JVM that supports RandomGenerator and the LXM generators. # Some JREs don't support this and will cause a crash. use-faster-random-generator: false # These values define a entity's maximum lifespan. If an # entity is in this list and it has survived for longer than # that number of ticks, then it will be removed. Setting a value to # -1 disables this feature. entity-timeouts: SNOWBALL: -1 LLAMA_SPIT: -1 ALLAY: -1 AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD: -1 ARMADILLO: -1 ARMOR_STAND: -1 ARROW: -1 AXOLOTL: -1 BAT: -1 BEE: -1 BLAZE: -1 BLOCK_DISPLAY: -1 BOAT: -1 BOGGED: -1 BREEZE: -1 BREEZE_WIND_CHARGE: -1 CAMEL: -1 CAT: -1 CAVE_SPIDER: -1 CHEST_BOAT: -1 CHEST_MINECART: -1 CHICKEN: -1 COD: -1 COMMAND_BLOCK_MINECART: -1 COW: -1 CREEPER: -1 DOLPHIN: -1 DONKEY: -1 DRAGON_FIREBALL: -1 DROWNED: -1 EGG: -1 ELDER_GUARDIAN: -1 END_CRYSTAL: -1 ENDER_DRAGON: -1 ENDER_PEARL: -1 ENDERMAN: -1 ENDERMITE: -1 EVOKER: -1 EVOKER_FANGS: -1 EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE: -1 EXPERIENCE_ORB: -1 EYE_OF_ENDER: -1 FALLING_BLOCK: -1 FIREWORK_ROCKET: -1 FOX: -1 FROG: -1 FURNACE_MINECART: -1 GHAST: -1 GIANT: -1 GLOW_ITEM_FRAME: -1 GLOW_SQUID: -1 GOAT: -1 GUARDIAN: -1 HOGLIN: -1 HOPPER_MINECART: -1 HORSE: -1 HUSK: -1 ILLUSIONER: -1 INTERACTION: -1 IRON_GOLEM: -1 ITEM: -1 ITEM_DISPLAY: -1 ITEM_FRAME: -1 OMINOUS_ITEM_SPAWNER: -1 FIREBALL: -1 LEASH_KNOT: -1 LIGHTNING_BOLT: -1 LLAMA: -1 MAGMA_CUBE: -1 MARKER: -1 MINECART: -1 MOOSHROOM: -1 MULE: -1 OCELOT: -1 PAINTING: -1 PANDA: -1 PARROT: -1 PHANTOM: -1 PIG: -1 PIGLIN: -1 PIGLIN_BRUTE: -1 PILLAGER: -1 POLAR_BEAR: -1 POTION: -1 PUFFERFISH: -1 RABBIT: -1 RAVAGER: -1 SALMON: -1 SHEEP: -1 SHULKER: -1 SHULKER_BULLET: -1 SILVERFISH: -1 SKELETON: -1 SKELETON_HORSE: -1 SLIME: -1 SMALL_FIREBALL: -1 SNIFFER: -1 SNOW_GOLEM: -1 SPAWNER_MINECART: -1 SPECTRAL_ARROW: -1 SPIDER: -1 SQUID: -1 STRAY: -1 STRIDER: -1 TADPOLE: -1 TEXT_DISPLAY: -1 TNT: -1 TNT_MINECART: -1 TRADER_LLAMA: -1 TRIDENT: -1 TROPICAL_FISH: -1 TURTLE: -1 VEX: -1 VILLAGER: -1 VINDICATOR: -1 WANDERING_TRADER: -1 WARDEN: -1 WIND_CHARGE: -1 WITCH: -1 WITHER: -1 WITHER_SKELETON: -1 WITHER_SKULL: -1 WOLF: -1 ZOGLIN: -1 ZOMBIE: -1 ZOMBIE_HORSE: -1 ZOMBIE_VILLAGER: -1 ZOMBIFIED_PIGLIN: -1 PLAYER: -1 FISHING_BOBBER: -1 # Optimizes entity brains when # they're far away from the player dab: enabled: true # This value determines how far away an entity has to be # from the player to start being effected by DEAR. start-distance: 12 # This value defines how often in ticks, the furthest entity # will get their pathfinders and behaviors ticked. 20 = 1s max-tick-freq: 20 # This value defines how much distance modifies an entity's # tick frequency. freq = (distanceToPlayer^2) / (2^value)", # If you want further away entities to tick less often, use 7. # If you want further away entities to tick more often, try 9. activation-dist-mod: 8 # A list of entities to ignore for activation blacklisted-entities: [] dont-save-entity: # Disable save primed tnt on chunk unloads. # Useful for redstone server, can prevent machine be exploded by TNT, # when player disconnected caused by Internet issue. dont-save-primed-tnt: false dont-save-falling-block: false ########### # FIXES # ########### fixes: null ############## # GAMEPLAY # ############## gameplay-mechanisms: use-spigot-item-merging-mechanism: true knockback: # Make snowball can knockback players snowball-knockback-players: false # Make egg can knockback players egg-knockback-players: false player: # Disable moved quickly/wrongly checks disable-moved-wrongly-threshold: false # The max distance of UseItem for players. # Set to -1 to disable max-distance-check. # NOTE: if set to -1 to disable the check, # players are able to use some packet modules of hack clients, # and NoCom Exploit!! max-use-item-distance: 1.0000001 ############# # NETWORK # ############# network: protocol-support: jade-protocol: false appleskin-protocol: false asteorbar-protocol: false chatimage-protocol: false xaero-map-protocol: false xaero-map-server-id: 2088437216 # Whether or not enable chat message signature, # disable will prevent players to report chat messages. # And also disables the popup when joining a server without # 'secure chat', such as offline-mode servers. chat-message-signature: true ########## # MISC # ########## misc: rebrand: server-mod-name: Leaf server-gui-name: Leaf Console # Sentry DSN for improved error logging, leave blank to disable, # Obtain from sentry-dsn: '' # Remove Vanilla username check # allowing all characters as username remove-vanilla-username-check: true # Enable player enter backend server through proxy # without backend server enabling its bungee mode remove-spigot-check-bungee-config: true # Enable to prevent console spam. remove-change-non-editable-sign-warning: false including-5s-in-get-tps: true # Connection message using MiniMessage format, set to 'default' to use vanilla join message. # available placeholders: # %player_name% - player name # %player_displayname% - player display name connection-message: join: enabled: true # Join message of player message: default quit: enabled: true # Quit message of player message: default cache: # Cache the player profile result on they first join. # It's useful if Mojang's verification server is down. cache-player-profile-result: true # The timeout of the cache. Unit: Minutes. cache-player-profile-result-timeout: 1440 ```

Welcome to leave comments under this pull request to provide suggestions, like additional key name change or key path change or something else.

BrailleBennett commented 2 months ago

Enable this feature to handle large amount of stacked Minecart better. Should be Enable this feature to handle large amount of stacked minecarts better.

BrailleBennett commented 2 months ago

Or Enable this feature to handle a large amount of stacked minecarts better.

BrailleBennett commented 2 months ago

Useful for redstone server, can prevent machine be exploded by TNT, should be Useful for redstone server, can prevent machines from being exploded by TnT

BrailleBennett commented 2 months ago

Or: Useful for redstone servers, can prevent machines from being exploded by TnT