Windscribe / Desktop-App

Windscribe 2.0 desktop client for Windows, Mac and Linux
GNU General Public License v2.0
568 stars 78 forks source link

Connection failure on Fedora Silverblue 38 #88

Open sith-on-mars opened 1 year ago

sith-on-mars commented 1 year ago

I couldn't connect to Silverblue no matter which connection method I tried. Windscribe worked on OpenSUSE MicroOS so I don't think it's just the general immutable system issue. Also, iVPN worked on my Silverblue.

Here is the output from the time I opened the app until the point I failed to make Wireguard connection and closed the app.

[dadstick@fedora ~]$ '/opt/windscribe/Windscribe' 
[{gmt_time}      0.025] [basic]  App start time: "Wed Apr 26 17:06:02 2023"
[{gmt_time}      0.025] [basic]  App version: "v2.6.14"
[{gmt_time}      0.025] [basic]  Platform: "wayland"
[{gmt_time}      0.025] [basic]  OS Version: "Linux #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu Apr 20 23:05:25 UTC 2023"
[{gmt_time}      0.025] [basic]  CPU architecture: "x86_64"
[{gmt_time}      0.030] [basic]  Detected OpenVPN versions: QList("2.5.4")
[{gmt_time}      0.031] [basic]  Selected OpenVPN version: "2.5.4"
[{gmt_time}      0.031] [basic]  DpiScaleManager::constructor -> DPI: 96 ; scale: 1 ; devicePixelRatio: 2
[{gmt_time}      0.034] [basic]  OS in dark mode:  true
[{gmt_time}      0.043] [qt.core.qobject.connect]    QObject::connect: No such signal QPlatformNativeInterface::systemTrayWindowChanged(QScreen*)
[{gmt_time}      0.044] [basic]  GUI pid:  5130
[{gmt_time}      0.044] [basic]  Gui settings {isLaunchOnStartup:true; isAutoConnect:false; isHideFromDock:false; isShowNotifications:false; orderLocation:"Geography"; latencyDisplay:"Bars"; shareSecureHotspot:{isEnabled:false; ssid:empty; password:empty}; shareProxyGateway:{isEnabled:false; proxySharingMode:"HTTP"}; splitTunneling:{settings:{active:false; mode:"Exclude"}; apps:QList(); networkRoutes:QList()}; isDockedToTray:false; isMinimizeAndCloseToTray:false; backgroundSettings:{backgroundType:1; backgroundImageDisconnected:empty; backgroundImageConnected:empty}; isStartMinimized:false; isShowLocationHealth:false; isAutoSecureNetworks:true; appSkin:"Alpha"}
[{gmt_time}      0.045] [basic]  Engine settings {language:"en"; updateChannel:"Release"; isIgnoreSslErrors:false; isTerminateSockets:true; isAllowLanTraffic:false; firewallSettings: {mode:"Automatic"; when:"Before Connection"}; connectionSettings: {isAutomatic:true; protocol:"WireGuard"; port:443}; dnsResolutionSettings: {isAutomatic:true; manualAddress:""}; proxySettings: {option:"None"; address:""; port:0; username:empty; password:empty}; packetSize: {isAutomatic:true; mtu:-1}; macAddrSpoofing: {isEnabled:false; macAddress:""; selectedNetworkInterface:{friendlyName:""; networkOrSsid:""}; networkInterfaces:{}; dnsPolicy: "Cloudflare"; customOvpnConfigsPath: empty; isKeepAliveEnabled:false; connectedDnsInfo:{type:0}; dnsManager:"Automatic"; networkPreferredProtocols:QMap(); networkLastKnownGoodProtocols: {QMap(); }}
[{gmt_time}      1.400] [basic]  Backend::init()
[{gmt_time}      1.401] [basic]  connected to helper socket
[{gmt_time}      1.407] [basic]  setWindowPosFromPersistent() - screen "Virtual-1" - geometry QRect(0,0 3200x1642) - virtualGeometry QRect(0,0 3200x1642) - logicalDotsPerInch 96 - devicePixelRatio 2
[{gmt_time}      1.407] [basic]  setWindowPosFromPersistent() - restored app geometry: QRect(1404,633 392x376)
[{gmt_time}      1.407] [basic]  Tray Icon geometry: QRect(0,0 0x0)
[{gmt_time}      1.411] [basic]  OpenVPN helper connected ok
[{gmt_time}      1.416] [basic]  DpiScaleManager::setMainWindow -> no DPI or pixel ratio changes
[{gmt_time}      1.447] [basic]  Changed DNS servers for DnsResolver to: QList("", "")
[{gmt_time}      1.472] [network]    SSL version: "OpenSSL 1.1.1t  7 Feb 2023"
[{gmt_time}      1.475] [basic]  Curl version: libcurl/7.87.0 OpenSSL/3.1.0 zlib/1.2.13
[{gmt_time}      1.494] [basic]  dga version: 2
[{gmt_time}      1.494] [server_api]     ServerAPI::setApiResolutionsSettings {isAutomatic:true; manualAddress:""}
[{gmt_time}      1.495] [basic]  "/usr/lib/opt/windscribe/windscribestunnel"
[{gmt_time}      1.495] [basic]  "/usr/lib/opt/windscribe/windscribewstunnel"
[{gmt_time}      1.495] [best_location]  Best location loaded from settings:  "651Atlanta - Piedmont"
[{gmt_time}      1.586] [basic]  ImageResourcesSvg::run() - all SVGs loaded
[{gmt_time}      1.650] [basic]  Firewall state from last app start: false
[{gmt_time}      1.661] [firewall_controller]    firewall off
[{gmt_time}      1.674] [cli_ipc]    IPC server for CLI started
[{gmt_time}      1.683] [failover]   Trying: "acc: 139"
[{gmt_time}      1.688] [basic]  Servers locations changed
[{gmt_time}      1.791] [basic]  Network Changed:  Index:  2 , Network/SSID:  "enp1s0" , MAC:  "52:54:00:2A:B9:4F" , device name:  ""  friendly:  "enp1s0"
[{gmt_time}      1.898] [best_location]  prevBestLocationId= "651Atlanta - Piedmont" ; prevBestLocationLatency= 8
[{gmt_time}      1.899] [best_location]  Detected min latency= 6 ; id= "101Manchester - United"
[{gmt_time}      1.899] [best_location]  Best location changed to  "101Manchester - United"
[{gmt_time}      3.084] [server_api]     API request ApiAccessIps successfully executed
[{gmt_time}      3.469] [basic]  Automatic enable firewall before connection
[{gmt_time}      3.469] [firewall_controller]    firewall enabled with ips count: 181
[{gmt_time}      3.490] [basic]  MutableLocationInfo created:  "Los Angeles - Lamar" ";;; " ; Selected node: 2
[{gmt_time}      3.490] [basic]  radiusUsername openvpn:  "rjznpbe8-z526vyc"
[{gmt_time}      3.490] [basic]  radiusUsername ikev2:  "rjznpbe8-63te5b8"
[{gmt_time}      3.490] [basic]  Connecting to "Los Angeles - Lamar"
[{gmt_time}      3.490] [connection]     Connection settings: automatic
[{gmt_time}      3.490] [connection]     "Location nodes: node1 = {ip1 =, ip2 =, ip3 =}; node2 = {ip1 =, ip2 =, ip3 =}; node3 = {ip1 =, ip2 =, ip3 =}; "
[{gmt_time}      3.490] [connection]     Default adapter and gateway: "adapter name = enp1s0; adapter IP =; gateway IP =; remote IP = ; dns = (); ifIndex = not detected"
[{gmt_time}      3.490] [connection]     Connecting to IP: ""  protocol: "WireGuard"  port: 443
[{gmt_time}      3.490] [connection]     Requesting WireGuard config for hostname = ""
[{gmt_time}      4.687] [basic]  update session status (changed since last call)
[{gmt_time}      4.687] [basic]  "[SessionStatus] { is_premium: 1; status: 1; rebill: 0; billing_plan_id: 108; premium_expire_date: 2026-03-20; traffic_used: 322264579653; traffic_max: -1; email_status: 0; static_ips: 0; alc_count: 0; last_reset_date: 2023-03-29 }"
[{gmt_time}      5.927] [basic]  Received Check Update Answer
[{gmt_time}      5.928] [basic]  No available update
[{gmt_time}      5.930] [server_api]     API request ServerConfigs successfully executed
[{gmt_time}      6.005] [server_api]     API request ServerCredentials "openvpn" successfully executed
[{gmt_time}      6.059] [server_api]     WgConfigs connect request successfully executed
[{gmt_time}      6.059] [basic]  Whitelist connecting ip: ""
[{gmt_time}      6.059] [basic]  Whitelist DNS-server ip: ""
[{gmt_time}      6.067] [firewall_controller]    firewall enabled with ips count: 183
[{gmt_time}      6.103] [connection]     Connecting WireGuard: "utun420"
[{gmt_time}      6.109] [server_api]     Notifications request successfully executed
[{gmt_time}      6.109] [wireguard]  WireGuard started after 0 retries
[{gmt_time}      6.109] [server_api]     API request PortMap successfully executed
[{gmt_time}      6.109] [wireguard]  Configuring WireGuard...
[{gmt_time}      6.163] [basic]  DNS-manager configuration: isResolvConfInstalled = true ; resolvConfSymlink = "/usr/bin/resolvectl" ; isSystemdResolvedServiceRunning = true ; resolvConfFileSymlink = "/run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf"
[{gmt_time}      6.164] [basic]  /etc/resolv.conf header: "# This is /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf managed by man:systemd-resolved(8).# Do not edit.## This file might be symlinked as /etc/resolv.conf. If you're looking at# /etc/resolv.conf and seeing this text, you have followed the symlink.## This is a dynamic resolv.conf file for connecting local clients to the# internal DNS stub resolver of systemd-resolved. This file lists all# configured search domains.## Run \"resolvectl status\" to see details about the uplink DNS servers# currently in use.## Third party programs should typically not access this file directly, but only# through the symlink at /etc/resolv.conf. To manage man:resolv.conf(5) in a# different way, replace this symlink by a static file or a different symlink.## See man:systemd-resolved.service(8) for details about the supported modes of# operation for /etc/resolv.conf."
[{gmt_time}      6.164] [basic]  The DNS installation method -> resolvconf
[{gmt_time}      6.168] [server_api]     API request ServerCredentials "ikev2" successfully executed
[{gmt_time}      6.243] [wireguard]  WireGuard configuration failed
[{gmt_time}      6.243] [basic]  Disconnected from helper socket, try reconnect
[{gmt_time}      6.244] [wireguard]  Failed to configure WireGuard
[{gmt_time}      6.244] [connection]     ConnectionManager::onConnectionError(), state_ = 1 , error = 32
[{gmt_time}      6.244] [basic]  on reconnecting event
[{gmt_time}      6.244] [basic]  Changed DNS servers for DnsResolver to: QList("", "")
[{gmt_time}      6.244] [basic]  FirewallController_linux::setInterfaceToSkip_posix -> "utun420"
[{gmt_time}      6.244] [connection]     ConnectionManager::onConnectionDisconnected(), state_ = 3
[{gmt_time}      6.244] [basic]  connected to helper socket
[{gmt_time}      6.245] [connection]     Default adapter and gateway: "adapter name = enp1s0; adapter IP =; gateway IP =; remote IP = ; dns = (); ifIndex = not detected"
[{gmt_time}      6.245] [connection]     Connecting to IP: ""  protocol: "WireGuard"  port: 443
[{gmt_time}      6.245] [connection]     Requesting WireGuard config for hostname = ""
[{gmt_time}      6.412] [wireguard]  WireGuard daemon stopped after 0 retries
[{gmt_time}      6.413] [connection]     ConnectionManager::onConnectionDisconnected(), state_ = 3
[{gmt_time}      6.413] [connection]     Default adapter and gateway: "adapter name = enp1s0; adapter IP =; gateway IP =; remote IP = ; dns = (); ifIndex = not detected"
[{gmt_time}      6.413] [connection]     Connecting to IP: ""  protocol: "WireGuard"  port: 443
[{gmt_time}      6.413] [connection]     Requesting WireGuard config for hostname = ""
[{gmt_time}      6.476] [server_api]     API request ServerLocations successfully executed, revision changed = 54054 , revision_hash = "2f06137269c154e1b70327fa29e0283603618f30"
[{gmt_time}      6.526] [basic]  Servers locations changed
[{gmt_time}      6.535] [firewall_controller]    firewall enabled with ips count: 183
[{gmt_time}      7.488] [server_api]     WgConfigs connect request successfully executed
[{gmt_time}      7.489] [basic]  Whitelist connecting ip: ""
[{gmt_time}      7.489] [basic]  Whitelist DNS-server ip: ""
[{gmt_time}      7.489] [connection]     Connecting WireGuard: "utun420"
[{gmt_time}      7.502] [wireguard]  WireGuard started after 0 retries
[{gmt_time}      7.502] [wireguard]  Configuring WireGuard...
[{gmt_time}      7.562] [basic]  DNS-manager configuration: isResolvConfInstalled = true ; resolvConfSymlink = "/usr/bin/resolvectl" ; isSystemdResolvedServiceRunning = true ; resolvConfFileSymlink = "/run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf"
[{gmt_time}      7.562] [basic]  /etc/resolv.conf header: "# This is /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf managed by man:systemd-resolved(8).# Do not edit.## This file might be symlinked as /etc/resolv.conf. If you're looking at# /etc/resolv.conf and seeing this text, you have followed the symlink.## This is a dynamic resolv.conf file for connecting local clients to the# internal DNS stub resolver of systemd-resolved. This file lists all# configured search domains.## Run \"resolvectl status\" to see details about the uplink DNS servers# currently in use.## Third party programs should typically not access this file directly, but only# through the symlink at /etc/resolv.conf. To manage man:resolv.conf(5) in a# different way, replace this symlink by a static file or a different symlink.## See man:systemd-resolved.service(8) for details about the supported modes of# operation for /etc/resolv.conf."
[{gmt_time}      7.562] [basic]  The DNS installation method -> resolvconf
[{gmt_time}      7.630] [wireguard]  WireGuard configuration failed
[{gmt_time}      7.631] [basic]  Disconnected from helper socket, try reconnect
[{gmt_time}      7.631] [wireguard]  Failed to configure WireGuard
[{gmt_time}      7.631] [connection]     ConnectionManager::onConnectionError(), state_ = 3 , error = 32
[{gmt_time}      7.631] [basic]  connected to helper socket
[{gmt_time}      7.632] [basic]  FirewallController_linux::setInterfaceToSkip_posix -> "utun420"
[{gmt_time}      7.716] [connection]     ConnectionManager::onConnectionDisconnected(), state_ = 3
[{gmt_time}      7.733] [wireguard]  WireGuard daemon stopped after 0 retries
[{gmt_time}      7.734] [connection]     ConnectionManager::onConnectionDisconnected(), state_ = 3
[{gmt_time}     11.605] [connection]     ConnectionManager::clickDisconnect()
[{gmt_time}     11.605] [connection]     ConnectionManager::onConnectionDisconnected(), state_ = 4
[{gmt_time}     11.605] [basic]  on disconnected event
[{gmt_time}     11.605] [basic]  Changed DNS servers for DnsResolver to: QList("", "")
[{gmt_time}     11.605] [basic]  FirewallController_linux::setInterfaceToSkip_posix -> ""
[{gmt_time}     11.616] [firewall_controller]    firewall enabled with ips count: 181
[{gmt_time}     11.666] [firewall_controller]    firewall off
[{gmt_time}     14.360] [basic]  Backend::cleanup()
[{gmt_time}     14.360] [basic]  Firewall on next startup:  false
[{gmt_time}     14.360] [basic]  Cleanup started
[{gmt_time}     14.360] [basic]  Cleanup, connection manager no need disconnect
[{gmt_time}     14.428] [basic]  close main window
[{gmt_time}     14.489] [basic]  Cleanup finished
[{gmt_time}     14.489] [basic]  Backend Cleanup Finished
[{gmt_time}     14.507] [ipc]    IPC server stopped
[{gmt_time}     14.525] [cli_ipc]    IPC server for CLI stopped
warning: queue 0x2bccc90 destroyed while proxies still attached:
  wl_display@1 still attached
[{gmt_time}     14.535] [basic]  Stopping DnsResolver
[{gmt_time}     14.535] [basic]  DnsResolver stopped
bernerdad commented 1 year ago

Can you provide us with the contents of /opt/windscribe/helper_log.txt?

sith-on-mars commented 1 year ago

I didn't find helper_log.txt you're referring to. I found the debug log under setting => help, which I hope it's helpful.

G [270423 01:48:46:199      0.017] [basic]   App start time: "Thu Apr 27 11:48:46 2023"
G [270423 01:48:46:199      0.017] [basic]   App version: "v2.6.14"
G [270423 01:48:46:199      0.017] [basic]   Platform: "wayland"
G [270423 01:48:46:199      0.017] [basic]   OS Version: "Linux #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu Apr 20 23:05:25 UTC 2023"
G [270423 01:48:46:199      0.017] [basic]   CPU architecture: "x86_64"
G [270423 01:48:46:203      0.021] [basic]   Detected OpenVPN versions: QList("2.5.4")
G [270423 01:48:46:203      0.021] [basic]   Selected OpenVPN version: "2.5.4"
G [270423 01:48:46:204      0.021] [basic]   DpiScaleManager::constructor -> DPI: 96 ; scale: 1 ; devicePixelRatio: 2
G [270423 01:48:46:208      0.026] [basic]   OS in dark mode:  true
G [270423 01:48:46:222      0.040] [basic]   GUI pid:  25922
G [270423 01:48:46:223      0.041] [basic]   Gui settings {isLaunchOnStartup:false; isAutoConnect:true; isHideFromDock:false; isShowNotifications:false; orderLocation:"Alphabet"; latencyDisplay:"Ms"; shareSecureHotspot:{isEnabled:false; ssid:empty; password:empty}; shareProxyGateway:{isEnabled:false; proxySharingMode:"HTTP"}; splitTunneling:{settings:{active:false; mode:"Exclude"}; apps:QList(); networkRoutes:QList()}; isDockedToTray:false; isMinimizeAndCloseToTray:true; backgroundSettings:{backgroundType:1; backgroundImageDisconnected:empty; backgroundImageConnected:empty}; isStartMinimized:true; isShowLocationHealth:true; isAutoSecureNetworks:true; appSkin:"Alpha"}
G [270423 01:48:46:224      0.042] [basic]   Engine settings {language:"en"; updateChannel:"Release"; isIgnoreSslErrors:false; isTerminateSockets:true; isAllowLanTraffic:true; firewallSettings: {mode:"Automatic"; when:"Before Connection"}; connectionSettings: {isAutomatic:true; protocol:"WireGuard"; port:443}; dnsResolutionSettings: {isAutomatic:true; manualAddress:""}; proxySettings: {option:"None"; address:""; port:0; username:empty; password:empty}; packetSize: {isAutomatic:true; mtu:-1}; macAddrSpoofing: {isEnabled:false; macAddress:""; selectedNetworkInterface:{friendlyName:""; networkOrSsid:""}; networkInterfaces:{}; dnsPolicy: "Cloudflare"; customOvpnConfigsPath: empty; isKeepAliveEnabled:false; connectedDnsInfo:{type:0}; dnsManager:"Automatic"; networkPreferredProtocols:QMap(); networkLastKnownGoodProtocols: {QMap(); }}
G [270423 01:48:49:679      3.496] [basic]   Backend::init()
G [270423 01:48:49:679      3.497] [basic]   connected to helper socket
G [270423 01:48:49:686      3.504] [basic]   setWindowPosFromPersistent() - screen "eDP-1" - geometry QRect(0,0 3200x1800) - virtualGeometry QRect(0,0 3200x1800) - logicalDotsPerInch 96 - devicePixelRatio 2
G [270423 01:48:49:686      3.504] [basic]   setWindowPosFromPersistent() - restored app geometry: QRect(1361,823 392x376)
G [270423 01:48:49:686      3.504] [basic]   Tray Icon geometry: QRect(0,0 0x0)
G [270423 01:48:49:689      3.507] [basic]   OpenVPN helper connected ok
G [270423 01:48:49:696      3.513] [basic]   DpiScaleManager::setMainWindow -> no DPI or pixel ratio changes
G [270423 01:48:49:713      3.531] [basic]   Changed DNS servers for DnsResolver to: QList("", "")
G [270423 01:48:49:721      3.539] [network]     SSL version: "OpenSSL 1.1.1t  7 Feb 2023"
G [270423 01:48:49:722      3.539] [basic]   Curl version: libcurl/7.87.0 OpenSSL/3.1.0 zlib/1.2.13
G [270423 01:48:49:734      3.552] [basic]   dga version: 2
G [270423 01:48:49:734      3.552] [server_api]  ServerAPI::setApiResolutionsSettings {isAutomatic:true; manualAddress:""}
G [270423 01:48:49:734      3.552] [basic]   "/usr/lib/opt/windscribe/windscribestunnel"
G [270423 01:48:49:734      3.552] [basic]   "/usr/lib/opt/windscribe/windscribewstunnel"
G [270423 01:48:49:735      3.552] [best_location]   Best location loaded from settings:  "[redacted]"
G [270423 01:48:49:803      3.621] [basic]   ImageResourcesSvg::run() - all SVGs loaded
G [270423 01:48:49:845      3.663] [basic]   Firewall state from last app start: false
G [270423 01:48:49:851      3.668] [firewall_controller]     firewall off
G [270423 01:48:49:856      3.674] [cli_ipc]     IPC server for CLI started
G [270423 01:48:49:863      3.680] [failover]    Trying: "acc: 139"
G [270423 01:48:49:866      3.684] [basic]   Servers locations changed
G [270423 01:48:49:918      3.736] [basic]   Network Whitelisting detected SECURED network -- Connecting..
G [270423 01:48:49:928      3.746] [basic]   Network Changed:  Index:  3 , Network/SSID:  "ANU-Secure" , MAC:  "64:5D:86:D7:52:17" , device name:  ""  friendly:  "ANU-Secure"
G [270423 01:48:49:932      3.750] [basic]   Automatic enable firewall before connection
G [270423 01:48:49:933      3.750] [firewall_controller]     firewall enabled with ips count: 180
G [270423 01:48:49:950      3.768] [basic]   MutableLocationInfo created:  "Los Angeles - Lamar" ";;; " ; Selected node: 1
G [270423 01:48:49:950      3.768] [basic]   radiusUsername openvpn:  "rjznpbe8-z526vyc"
G [270423 01:48:49:950      3.768] [basic]   radiusUsername ikev2:  "rjznpbe8-63te5b8"
G [270423 01:48:49:950      3.768] [basic]   Connecting to "Los Angeles - Lamar"
G [270423 01:48:49:950      3.768] [connection]  Connection settings: automatic
G [270423 01:48:49:950      3.768] [connection]  "Location nodes: node1 = {ip1 =, ip2 =, ip3 =}; node2 = {ip1 =, ip2 =, ip3 =}; node3 = {ip1 =, ip2 =, ip3 =}; "
G [270423 01:48:49:951      3.768] [connection]  Default adapter and gateway: "adapter name = wlp0s20f3; adapter IP =; gateway IP =; remote IP = ; dns = (); ifIndex = not detected"
G [270423 01:48:49:951      3.768] [connection]  Connecting to IP: ""  protocol: "WireGuard"  port: 443
G [270423 01:48:49:951      3.768] [connection]  Requesting WireGuard config for hostname = ""
G [270423 01:48:51:971      5.789] [server_api]  API request ApiAccessIps successfully executed
G [270423 01:48:51:994      5.812] [firewall_controller]     firewall enabled with ips count: 181
G [270423 01:48:54:168      7.986] [basic]   update session status (changed since last call)
G [270423 01:48:54:168      7.986] [basic]   "[SessionStatus] { is_premium: 1; status: 1; rebill: 0; billing_plan_id: 108; premium_expire_date: 2026-03-20; traffic_used: 322631953514; traffic_max: -1; email_status: 0; static_ips: 0; alc_count: 0; last_reset_date: 2023-03-29 }"
G [270423 01:48:56:358     10.176] [server_api]  API request ServerCredentials "openvpn" successfully executed
G [270423 01:48:56:393     10.211] [server_api]  API request ServerConfigs successfully executed
G [270423 01:48:56:422     10.240] [server_api]  Notifications request successfully executed
G [270423 01:48:56:423     10.241] [server_api]  API request PortMap successfully executed
G [270423 01:48:56:451     10.268] [server_api]  WgConfigs connect request successfully executed
G [270423 01:48:56:451     10.269] [basic]   Whitelist connecting ip: ""
G [270423 01:48:56:451     10.269] [basic]   Whitelist DNS-server ip: ""
G [270423 01:48:56:456     10.274] [firewall_controller]     firewall enabled with ips count: 183
G [270423 01:48:56:474     10.292] [connection]  Connecting WireGuard: "utun420"
G [270423 01:48:56:478     10.296] [server_api]  API request ServerCredentials "ikev2" successfully executed
G [270423 01:48:56:478     10.296] [wireguard]   WireGuard started after 0 retries
G [270423 01:48:56:478     10.296] [wireguard]   Configuring WireGuard...
G [270423 01:48:56:508     10.326] [basic]   DNS-manager configuration: isResolvConfInstalled = true ; resolvConfSymlink = "/usr/bin/resolvectl" ; isSystemdResolvedServiceRunning = true ; resolvConfFileSymlink = "/run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf"
G [270423 01:48:56:508     10.326] [basic]   /etc/resolv.conf header: "# This is /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf managed by man:systemd-resolved(8).# Do not edit.## This file might be symlinked as /etc/resolv.conf. If you're looking at# /etc/resolv.conf and seeing this text, you have followed the symlink.## This is a dynamic resolv.conf file for connecting local clients to the# internal DNS stub resolver of systemd-resolved. This file lists all# configured search domains.## Run \"resolvectl status\" to see details about the uplink DNS servers# currently in use.## Third party programs should typically not access this file directly, but only# through the symlink at /etc/resolv.conf. To manage man:resolv.conf(5) in a# different way, replace this symlink by a static file or a different symlink.## See man:systemd-resolved.service(8) for details about the supported modes of# operation for /etc/resolv.conf."
G [270423 01:48:56:508     10.326] [basic]   The DNS installation method -> resolvconf
G [270423 01:48:56:513     10.331] [basic]   Received Check Update Answer
G [270423 01:48:56:513     10.331] [basic]   No available update
G [270423 01:48:56:582     10.400] [wireguard]   WireGuard configuration failed
G [270423 01:48:56:583     10.400] [basic]   Disconnected from helper socket, try reconnect
G [270423 01:48:56:583     10.401] [wireguard]   Failed to configure WireGuard
G [270423 01:48:56:583     10.401] [connection]  ConnectionManager::onConnectionError(), state_ = 1 , error = 32
G [270423 01:48:56:583     10.401] [basic]   on reconnecting event
G [270423 01:48:56:583     10.401] [basic]   Changed DNS servers for DnsResolver to: QList("", "")
G [270423 01:48:56:583     10.401] [basic]   FirewallController_linux::setInterfaceToSkip_posix -> "utun420"
G [270423 01:48:56:583     10.401] [connection]  ConnectionManager::onConnectionDisconnected(), state_ = 3
G [270423 01:48:56:583     10.401] [basic]   connected to helper socket
G [270423 01:48:56:584     10.402] [connection]  Default adapter and gateway: "adapter name = wlp0s20f3; adapter IP =; gateway IP =; remote IP = ; dns = (); ifIndex = not detected"
G [270423 01:48:56:584     10.402] [connection]  Connecting to IP: ""  protocol: "WireGuard"  port: 443
G [270423 01:48:56:584     10.402] [connection]  Requesting WireGuard config for hostname = ""
G [270423 01:48:56:747     10.565] [wireguard]   WireGuard daemon stopped after 0 retries
G [270423 01:48:56:747     10.565] [connection]  ConnectionManager::onConnectionDisconnected(), state_ = 3
G [270423 01:48:56:748     10.565] [connection]  Default adapter and gateway: "adapter name = wlp0s20f3; adapter IP =; gateway IP =; remote IP = ; dns = (); ifIndex = not detected"
G [270423 01:48:56:748     10.565] [connection]  Connecting to IP: ""  protocol: "WireGuard"  port: 443
G [270423 01:48:56:748     10.565] [connection]  Requesting WireGuard config for hostname = ""
G [270423 01:48:56:979     10.796] [server_api]  API request ServerLocations successfully executed, revision changed = 54087 , revision_hash = "e960f1daedc2d32b52d395483b198cebba219cab"
G [270423 01:48:57:019     10.837] [basic]   Servers locations changed
G [270423 01:48:57:030     10.848] [firewall_controller]     firewall enabled with ips count: 183
G [270423 01:48:58:229     12.047] [server_api]  WgConfigs connect request successfully executed
G [270423 01:48:58:230     12.048] [basic]   Whitelist connecting ip: ""
G [270423 01:48:58:230     12.048] [basic]   Whitelist DNS-server ip: ""
G [270423 01:48:58:230     12.048] [connection]  Connecting WireGuard: "utun420"
G [270423 01:48:58:240     12.058] [wireguard]   WireGuard started after 0 retries
G [270423 01:48:58:240     12.058] [wireguard]   Configuring WireGuard...
G [270423 01:48:58:281     12.099] [basic]   DNS-manager configuration: isResolvConfInstalled = true ; resolvConfSymlink = "/usr/bin/resolvectl" ; isSystemdResolvedServiceRunning = true ; resolvConfFileSymlink = "/run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf"
G [270423 01:48:58:281     12.099] [basic]   /etc/resolv.conf header: "# This is /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf managed by man:systemd-resolved(8).# Do not edit.## This file might be symlinked as /etc/resolv.conf. If you're looking at# /etc/resolv.conf and seeing this text, you have followed the symlink.## This is a dynamic resolv.conf file for connecting local clients to the# internal DNS stub resolver of systemd-resolved. This file lists all# configured search domains.## Run \"resolvectl status\" to see details about the uplink DNS servers# currently in use.## Third party programs should typically not access this file directly, but only# through the symlink at /etc/resolv.conf. To manage man:resolv.conf(5) in a# different way, replace this symlink by a static file or a different symlink.## See man:systemd-resolved.service(8) for details about the supported modes of# operation for /etc/resolv.conf."
G [270423 01:48:58:281     12.099] [basic]   The DNS installation method -> resolvconf
G [270423 01:48:58:332     12.150] [wireguard]   WireGuard configuration failed
G [270423 01:48:58:332     12.150] [basic]   Disconnected from helper socket, try reconnect
G [270423 01:48:58:332     12.150] [wireguard]   Failed to configure WireGuard
G [270423 01:48:58:333     12.150] [connection]  ConnectionManager::onConnectionError(), state_ = 3 , error = 32
G [270423 01:48:58:333     12.150] [basic]   connected to helper socket
G [270423 01:48:58:333     12.150] [basic]   FirewallController_linux::setInterfaceToSkip_posix -> "utun420"
G [270423 01:48:58:404     12.222] [connection]  ConnectionManager::onConnectionDisconnected(), state_ = 3
G [270423 01:48:58:433     12.251] [wireguard]   WireGuard daemon stopped after 0 retries
G [270423 01:48:58:433     12.251] [connection]  ConnectionManager::onConnectionDisconnected(), state_ = 3
G [270423 01:49:04:664     18.482] [connection]  ConnectionManager::clickDisconnect()
G [270423 01:49:04:664     18.482] [connection]  ConnectionManager::onConnectionDisconnected(), state_ = 4
G [270423 01:49:04:664     18.482] [basic]   on disconnected event
G [270423 01:49:04:664     18.482] [basic]   Changed DNS servers for DnsResolver to: QList("", "")
G [270423 01:49:04:664     18.482] [basic]   FirewallController_linux::setInterfaceToSkip_posix -> ""
G [270423 01:49:04:675     18.492] [firewall_controller]     firewall enabled with ips count: 181
G [270423 01:49:04:729     18.546] [firewall_controller]     firewall off
G [270423 01:49:10:061     23.879] [best_location]   prevBestLocationId= "[redacted]" ; prevBestLocationLatency= 15
G [270423 01:49:10:062     23.879] [best_location]   Detected min latency= 7 ; id= "[redacted]"
G [270423 01:49:10:062     23.879] [best_location]   Best location changed to  "[redacted]"
bernerdad commented 1 year ago

Hmm... something must be happening with the helper, as it should be logging to that file. As silverblue is not a currently supported distro, it may be quite some time before we have resources available to investigate this further. Sorry!