Wintergatan / Midi-to-laser-cutter
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TODO: Model Application so folk can work on bits of it #15

Open Yuleblinker opened 7 years ago

Yuleblinker commented 7 years ago

There has been a lot of debate and discussion about what the application should do, how it should do it and what it should look like. Lot's of great prototypes are popping up showing individual's ideas of what they would like the application to be. This is great but, to enable existing contributers and others who come along later to work on a bit of the code some form of overview is needed that we can all look at, discuss, agree on and then volunteer to work on.

The pdf below might give use something to start with. It is VERY much a rough draft, offered only as a starting point. I have purposefully left out any aspect of User Interface our User Experience elements as these seem to be the areas that everyone has their own very strong ideas about and their own preferred ways of doing things. We need to get the code behind the interfaces working well and agree on what the core code 'modules' are. What their inputs, outputs and data structures are. If we can do this then we can mock up as many interfaces as we like.

MIDI to Machine.pdf

Does anyone know of a good online modelling tool. Maybe something that supports Unified Modelling Language (UML) and a group can work on it??

DrSkunk commented 7 years ago

For UML we can use It connects directly to the GitHub repository. I created a blank file in the UML directory.

DrSkunk commented 6 years ago is used, to be added to CONTRIBUTING page.