WireCell / wire-cell-gen

Wire Cell packages that can generate things like wires, cells, depositions, diffusions, slices, frames, ...
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A new noise source is needed to accomodate LArSoft running assumptions. #25

Closed brettviren closed 6 years ago

brettviren commented 6 years ago

Larsoft energy depositions violate reality in that they repeatedly cover the same chunk of time for each "event". As a consequence, there is no way to use the current NoiseSource (a true source of data) as it must known when to stop producing noise frames after some period of time goes by but it gets not input data which may ultimately be driven by the errant larsoft depos. Instead, a new "source" of noise must be produced which can get some form of input and participate in the EOS protocol more as a function node rather than a source node.

So, what is needed is some IFrameFilter, say, AddNoise which consumes a frame of signal traces adding noise traces and sending it all on its output.

As a side effect, this will allow the FrameSummer node to be removed from the graph.