WireCell / wire-cell-gen

Wire Cell packages that can generate things like wires, cells, depositions, diffusions, slices, frames, ...
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Need to wrap noise spectra file in component #29

Open brettviren opened 6 years ago

brettviren commented 6 years ago

The EmpericalNoiseModel needs noise spectra as a function of plane and wire length. It currently gets this from a JSON file which it directly loads via WCT Persist. In protoDUNE we need 6 such noise model classes which causes 6 copies of this file to load into memory.

An Interface and a concrete component which provides access to this data is needed. The component would be made by copying the guts of ENM which loads the file out and into this new component and the hole back filled with looking up and using this new component. pDSP jobs then should share the same noise spectra component across all 6 ENMs.