WireGuard / wgctrl-go

Package wgctrl enables control of WireGuard interfaces on multiple platforms.
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AllowedIPs not applied properly #90

Closed jbauers closed 4 years ago

jbauers commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for this package! I've been playing around with it, and it seems like AllowedIPs as part of wgtypes.PeerConfig when passed to wgctrl.ConfigureDevice() isn't applied properly:

# PeerConfig A 
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 17:01:37 {ihFgmvJFsG8gLpyWHAp/y9W0mtnWqXtZnEdVXptnQzY= false false qs91slZ5udbFNOdp6WZnxlw89ZtwZLiCjZZ2qkn7Peo= <nil> <nil> false [{ ffffff00}]}
# PeerConfig B
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 17:01:37 {NEfzWNvt/KleuQPYm3S1kKjs2tbiuvTYrcNYpVPrk38= false false bwzBUg3nDYr2TzAaBYWUYAnLvUGw5+/XDqx1fhLybIs= <nil> <nil> false [{ ffffff00}]}
# Peers []PeerConfig
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 17:01:37 [{ihFgmvJFsG8gLpyWHAp/y9W0mtnWqXtZnEdVXptnQzY= false false qs91slZ5udbFNOdp6WZnxlw89ZtwZLiCjZZ2qkn7Peo= <nil> <nil> false [{ ffffff00}]} {NEfzWNvt/KleuQPYm3S1kKjs2tbiuvTYrcNYpVPrk38= false false bwzBUg3nDYr2TzAaBYWUYAnLvUGw5+/XDqx1fhLybIs= <nil> <nil> false [{ ffffff00}]}]
# Output of wgctrl.Devices()
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 17:01:37 [0xc0002a8380]
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 17:01:37 wg0
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 17:01:37 Linux kernel
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 17:01:37 IPOxbEgVcT0UDdT57XgCqap4KaxcbnJN5ov+zE8vWXM=
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 17:01:37 G4KXIoG4zm/I119wu1F6C7XLOmSEWAk2hNZ6hzmSp38=
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 17:01:37 51820
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 17:01:37 0
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 17:01:37 [{NEfzWNvt/KleuQPYm3S1kKjs2tbiuvTYrcNYpVPrk38= bwzBUg3nDYr2TzAaBYWUYAnLvUGw5+/XDqx1fhLybIs= <nil> 0s 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 0 0 [{ ffffff00}] 1} {ihFgmvJFsG8gLpyWHAp/y9W0mtnWqXtZnEdVXptnQzY= qs91slZ5udbFNOdp6WZnxlw89ZtwZLiCjZZ2qkn7Peo= <nil> 0s 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 0 0 [] 1}]

AllowedIPs for Peer A end up as [], and Peer B gets [{ ffffff00}]. I'd expect [{ ffffff00}] and [{ ffffff00}] respectively. Inspecting with wg:

interface: wg0
  public key: G4KXIoG4zm/I119wu1F6C7XLOmSEWAk2hNZ6hzmSp38=
  private key: (hidden)
  listening port: 51820

peer: NEfzWNvt/KleuQPYm3S1kKjs2tbiuvTYrcNYpVPrk38=
  preshared key: (hidden)
  allowed ips:

peer: ihFgmvJFsG8gLpyWHAp/y9W0mtnWqXtZnEdVXptnQzY=
  preshared key: (hidden)
  allowed ips: (none)

Not sure if I'm holding it wrong of if there's a bug somewhere. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks :)

mdlayher commented 4 years ago

Can you share your code? I would be surprised if this library was broken in that way since the integration tests continue to pass.


Check out the test here to see what I'm using. Perhaps you're not passing the appropriate "replace allowed IPs" or "replace peers" flags to the kernel?

jbauers commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply. Sure, below are the relevant parts.

Here's the function to generate a peer configuration: https://github.com/jbauers/saml-wireguard/blob/lua/backend/src/wireguard.go#L25

Stitching them together: https://github.com/jbauers/saml-wireguard/blob/lua/backend/src/redis.go#L88

And finally updating the interface: https://github.com/jbauers/saml-wireguard/blob/lua/backend/src/wireguard.go#L44

Let me know if I can help with anything else.

jbauers commented 4 years ago

Hi, just a quick update, it works as expected when my IPs are a /32. If they're part of the same subnet, I see the described behaviour. This happens for both IPv6 and IPv4 as far as I can tell (just briefly tried IPv6).

Expected behaviour with IPv4 and /32:

backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:44:15 {Fr/KrjXdvl85DA49f2Ip9bo8M+oPTZoGiclZ5ySA1i0= false false /8a5jaKVU2EElUcpaP4PUpg1KCpQaFpwDQTc2fdZU9E= <nil> <nil> true [{ ffffffff}]}
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:44:15 {X4HzTvvUY8KOsJtwjZk53fg1OklBDP4XK0Jflo88lmA= false false H4t3uMrGbpM9AGEZ7YzoM0bMW9QuUBbgFCzWJoAl2+E= <nil> <nil> true [{ ffffffff}]}
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:44:15 [{Fr/KrjXdvl85DA49f2Ip9bo8M+oPTZoGiclZ5ySA1i0= false false /8a5jaKVU2EElUcpaP4PUpg1KCpQaFpwDQTc2fdZU9E= <nil> <nil> true [{ ffffffff}]} {X4HzTvvUY8KOsJtwjZk53fg1OklBDP4XK0Jflo88lmA= false false H4t3uMrGbpM9AGEZ7YzoM0bMW9QuUBbgFCzWJoAl2+E= <nil> <nil> true [{ ffffffff}]}]
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:44:15 [0xc000012e80]
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:44:15 wg0
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:44:15 Linux kernel
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:44:15 kPEgo1AYt8PW4GPa7I8i3U5d2yB5HLTcDnFPP9gTe0U=
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:44:15 fcizOLK6Yx1zc7WO5uaTaDtWNG6/xY41UqxvSEpp7kU=
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:44:15 51820
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:44:15 0
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:44:15 [{Fr/KrjXdvl85DA49f2Ip9bo8M+oPTZoGiclZ5ySA1i0= /8a5jaKVU2EElUcpaP4PUpg1KCpQaFpwDQTc2fdZU9E= <nil> 0s 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 0 0 [{ ffffffff}] 1} {X4HzTvvUY8KOsJtwjZk53fg1OklBDP4XK0Jflo88lmA= H4t3uMrGbpM9AGEZ7YzoM0bMW9QuUBbgFCzWJoAl2+E= <nil> 0s 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 0 0 [{ ffffffff}] 1}]

IPv6 example, 3 peers on the same network:

backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:40:53 {fP2j74q/q/XpvjqRc9uNDPPaIF0tJEFs1ln+UHt7/2M= false false ErqY0SbOFrMbhKMA5B0xMyh9Gz0GOK/CdRMG0fFFDoM= <nil> <nil> true [{fc00:: fe000000000000000000000000000000}]}
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:40:53 {N1CHua5VguZvKSdvsn745BOknmHSseKLg8InNneKBQE= false false q9CSdz+nobXrMmwG0OYGHV7d85yUH4NiY7rX0fn40r8= <nil> <nil> true [{fc00:: fe000000000000000000000000000000}]}
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:40:53 {P08VPorvEbOY7SOqKsYfkRBWqawIro6rcVZAEjPr8SY= false false ytljwFLuxzjO/1YlPSfaVmwpJc/jJjFoMGGR9yLzqSk= <nil> <nil> true [{fc00:: fe000000000000000000000000000000}]}
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:40:53 [{fP2j74q/q/XpvjqRc9uNDPPaIF0tJEFs1ln+UHt7/2M= false false ErqY0SbOFrMbhKMA5B0xMyh9Gz0GOK/CdRMG0fFFDoM= <nil> <nil> true [{fc00:: fe000000000000000000000000000000}]} {N1CHua5VguZvKSdvsn745BOknmHSseKLg8InNneKBQE= false false q9CSdz+nobXrMmwG0OYGHV7d85yUH4NiY7rX0fn40r8= <nil> <nil> true [{fc00:: fe000000000000000000000000000000}]} {P08VPorvEbOY7SOqKsYfkRBWqawIro6rcVZAEjPr8SY= false false ytljwFLuxzjO/1YlPSfaVmwpJc/jJjFoMGGR9yLzqSk= <nil> <nil> true [{fc00:: fe000000000000000000000000000000}]}]
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:40:53 [0xc000013e80]
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:40:53 wg0
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:40:53 Linux kernel
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:40:53 oIeu6HtyvOpnfKP48jhJ1DfAC2d7GTjVl59lfW4dZUU=
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:40:53 i6kOuDTh3dCictmGbc6LKVVbpSVVW5pSBNzdr4+Ucyw=
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:40:53 51820
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:40:53 0
backend_1   | 2020/05/21 19:40:53 [{fP2j74q/q/XpvjqRc9uNDPPaIF0tJEFs1ln+UHt7/2M= ErqY0SbOFrMbhKMA5B0xMyh9Gz0GOK/CdRMG0fFFDoM= <nil> 0s 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 0 0 [] 1} {N1CHua5VguZvKSdvsn745BOknmHSseKLg8InNneKBQE= q9CSdz+nobXrMmwG0OYGHV7d85yUH4NiY7rX0fn40r8= <nil> 0s 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 0 0 [] 1} {P08VPorvEbOY7SOqKsYfkRBWqawIro6rcVZAEjPr8SY= ytljwFLuxzjO/1YlPSfaVmwpJc/jJjFoMGGR9yLzqSk= <nil> 0s 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 0 0 [{fc00:: fe000000000000000000000000000000}] 1}]

I had a quick look at the code, and this struck me as odd: https://github.com/WireGuard/wgctrl-go/blob/master/internal/wglinux/configure_linux.go#L109

Could there be an issue here? Sorry, I'm not super experienced with Go, just trying to figure things out.

jbauers commented 4 years ago

Just realised, it should only work when they're a /32 on the server side. Sorry for the the noise :sweat_smile: Just wondering if there should be an error, but oh well - will close.