WireGuard / wireguard-vyatta-ubnt

WireGuard for Ubiquiti Devices
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.45k stars 68 forks source link

Packets block happens on writing to wireguard device by udp protocol exceeds 30 packets/sec #114

Open bigboyq opened 2 years ago

bigboyq commented 2 years ago

Package version


Firmware version



EdgeRouter X (SFP) - e50

Issue description

My network connection looks like ''' Server[]------Wireguard-------ERX[]-------LAN-------Mac[] ''' is wireguard devices is Lan devices if I run on Server

iperf3 -s

run on Mac

iperf3 -u -c -l 99

I got log on Server

Server listening on 5201
Accepted connection from, port 50429
[ 5] local port 5201 connected to port 58909
[ ID] Interval      Transfer   Bitrate     Jitter  Lost/Total Datagrams
[ 5]  0.00-1.00  sec 2.90 KBytes 23.7 Kbits/sec 15644245684.792 ms 0/30 (0%)  
[ 5]  1.00-2.00  sec 0.00 Bytes 0.00 bits/sec 15644245684.792 ms 0/0 (0%)  
[ 5]  2.00-3.00  sec 0.00 Bytes 0.00 bits/sec 15644245684.792 ms 0/0 (0%)  
[ 5]  3.00-4.00  sec 0.00 Bytes 0.00 bits/sec 15644245684.792 ms 0/0 (0%)  
[ 5]  4.00-5.00  sec 0.00 Bytes 0.00 bits/sec 15644245684.792 ms 0/0 (0%)  
[ 5]  5.00-6.00  sec 0.00 Bytes 0.00 bits/sec 15644245684.792 ms 0/0 (0%)  
[ 5]  6.00-7.00  sec 0.00 Bytes 0.00 bits/sec 15644245684.792 ms 0/0 (0%)  
[ 5]  7.00-8.00  sec 0.00 Bytes 0.00 bits/sec 15644245684.792 ms 0/0 (0%)  
[ 5]  8.00-9.00  sec 0.00 Bytes 0.00 bits/sec 15644245684.792 ms 0/0 (0%)  
[ 5]  9.00-10.00 sec 0.00 Bytes 0.00 bits/sec 15644245684.792 ms 0/0 (0%)  
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ ID] Interval      Transfer   Bitrate     Jitter  Lost/Total Datagrams
[ 5]  0.00-10.01 sec 2.90 KBytes 2.37 Kbits/sec 15644245684.792 ms 0/30 (0%) receiver

Obviously, while udp packets writing to wireguard device exceeds 30p/s, the device blocked writing. I think something might happens on packet queue located inside wireguard driver.

Other tests been done

  1. If sending from Server to Mac by udp over wireguard , No blocking
  2. If NAT enable/disable on ERX, No difference
  3. If iperf3 using TCP, No blocking

Configuration and log output

No response

bigboyq commented 2 years ago

Similar discuss https://community.ui.com/questions/Paket-loss-with-hwnat-enabled-to-Wireguard-device/e0112b17-ff0b-4348-893c-73b413873209

bigboyq commented 2 years ago

More tests has been done

  1. If run iperf3 -c directly on Er-x, no packet loss
  2. If tune the -l from 99 to 64, Server got 0/103, then 0/0
  3. if tune the -l from 99 to 32, Server got 0/183, then 0/0 If change server from ping 9ms to 45ms, test results keep the same
yukinobu commented 1 year ago


I'm also using EdgeRouter X and faced a similar issue. From a client computer which connected to EdgeRouter's WireGuard server, I could browse web sites such as YouTube, but the video playback is very slow.

When I inspect the packet flow with Wireshark, it seems that YouTube first sends me the video data over UDP. But EdgeRouter dropped these UDP packets. After I waited a while it seemed to fall back to TCP and and I was able to play the video.

Note: the link above points to the hwnat issue. When I disabled my EdgeRouter's hwnat, the issue no longer occurred. However, the EdgeRouter's performance will drop significantly...

jbeez commented 1 year ago

@yukinobu Was it UDP over port 443(aka QUIC)? You might be able to just block QUIC outright so it never uses that and see if it improves the experience?

yukinobu commented 1 year ago

@jbeez Yes, it seemed QUIC. Now, I blocking all egress UDP packets and it improves my experience definitely!

Below is a snippet of my NAT rules. For packets from WireGuard tunnels, only TCP and ICMP are handled by NAT.

rule 5030 {
    description "masquerade from WireGuard to WAN (exclude udp to avoid hwnat bug)"
    log disable
    outbound-interface eth0
    protocol tcp
    source {
        address 10.xxx.yyy.0/24
    type masquerade
rule 5031 {
    description "masquerade from WireGuard to WAN (exclude udp to avoid hwnat bug)"
    log disable
    outbound-interface eth0
    protocol icmp
    source {
        address 10.xxx.yyy.0/24
    type masquerade