WireGuard / wireguard-vyatta-ubnt

WireGuard for Ubiquiti Devices
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Unsupported kernel version on UDM with UnifiOS 1.12.30 #135

Open jpl-ivengi opened 1 year ago

jpl-ivengi commented 1 year ago

Package version


Firmware version

UnifiOS 1.12.30


Unifi Dream Machine (Pro / SE) - UDM

Issue description

I have a UDM PRO with UniFi OS 1.12.30 (which is not in the compatibility list). First question, do I have to use a different package?

I have extracted the package to both locations (/data and /mnt/data) to make sure that's not the source of the problem. According to the docs I should extract the code to /mnt/data but this specific folder did not exist, I also tried to create the path manually.

When running the setup script I receive the following error: Unsupported Kernel version 4.19.152-al-linux-v10.2.0-v1.12.30.4325-060f0fe

Configuration and log output

root@ubnt:/# ./mnt/data/wireguard/setup_wireguard.sh
./mnt/data/wireguard/setup_wireguard.sh: 35: ./mnt/data/wireguard/setup_wireguard.sh: modprobe: not found
./mnt/data/wireguard/setup_wireguard.sh: 36: ./mnt/data/wireguard/setup_wireguard.sh: modprobe: not found
./mnt/data/wireguard/setup_wireguard.sh: 38: ./mnt/data/wireguard/setup_wireguard.sh: lsmod: not found
loading wireguard...
Unsupported Kernel version 4.19.152-al-linux-v10.2.0-v1.12.30.4325-060f0fe
peacey commented 1 year ago

Hello @jpl-ivengi,

So 1.12.30 has a built-in wireguard module, which should be loaded by this script. However, I see that it says the modprobe command was not found, which is very weird.

In any case, since the module is built-in, it should automatically get loaded by wireguard. You can try to simply proceed with the wireguard configuration and starting it with wg-quick to see if it works or if it has any issues loading the module.

Please try that and tell me how it goes. Thank!