WireMock-Net / WireMock.Net

WireMock.Net is a flexible product for stubbing and mocking web HTTP responses using advanced request matching and response templating. Based on the functionality from http://WireMock.org, but extended with more functionality.
Apache License 2.0
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Add support to bind to ip-address instead of only localhost #1100

Closed StefH closed 1 month ago

StefH commented 1 month ago


nevaldas commented 1 month ago

Sadly, this PR broke usage of standalone WireMock in docker. It spins up, but never answers the requests. Dowgraded one version (before this) - works just fine. We don't specify Urls, just the port.

StefH commented 1 month ago

@nevaldas Can you specify some more details how you use it and what fails?

Because when I just start the latest WireMock Linux Container, it works fine:

docker run -it --rm -p 9091:80 sheyenrath/wiremock.net

Unable to find image 'sheyenrath/wiremock.net:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from sheyenrath/wiremock.net
728328ac3bde: Pull complete
aff7a9c037c8: Pull complete
0a55584cfdc4: Pull complete
36657baceb82: Pull complete
e8b6739a1a24: Pull complete
8344435e42d8: Pull complete
a24fd07a8b7a: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:747f7f26f5a0d60797bb367e828af26b48d9fbead304f961728b5f01d74c87c1
Status: Downloaded newer image for sheyenrath/wiremock.net:latest
05/22/2024 08:21:57 [Info] : By Stef Heyenrath (https://github.com/WireMock-Net/WireMock.Net)
05/22/2024 08:21:57 [Debug] : Server settings {
  "Port": null,
  "UseSSL": null,
  "HostingScheme": null,
  "UseHttp2": false,
  "StartAdminInterface": true,
  "ReadStaticMappings": false,
  "WatchStaticMappings": false,
  "WatchStaticMappingsInSubdirectories": false,
  "ProxyAndRecordSettings": null,
  "Urls": [
  "StartTimeout": 10000,
  "AllowPartialMapping": false,
  "AdminUsername": null,
  "AdminPassword": null,
  "AdminAzureADTenant": null,
  "AdminAzureADAudience": null,
  "RequestLogExpirationDuration": null,
  "MaxRequestLogCount": null,
  "CorsPolicyOptions": 0,
  "AllowCSharpCodeMatcher": false,
  "AllowBodyForAllHttpMethods": false,
  "AllowOnlyDefinedHttpStatusCodeInResponse": false,
  "DisableJsonBodyParsing": false,
  "DisableRequestBodyDecompressing": false,
  "DisableDeserializeFormUrlEncoded": false,
  "HandleRequestsSynchronously": false,
  "CertificateSettings": null,
  "CustomCertificateDefined": false,
  "ClientCertificateMode": 0,
  "AcceptAnyClientCertificate": false,
  "WebhookSettings": null,
  "UseRegexExtended": true,
  "SaveUnmatchedRequests": false,
  "DoNotSaveDynamicResponseInLogEntry": false,
  "QueryParameterMultipleValueSupport": null,
  "ProtoDefinitions": null,
  "GraphQLSchemas": null
05/22/2024 08:21:58 [Info] : Server using .NET 6.0
05/22/2024 08:21:58 Press Ctrl+C to shut down
05/22/2024 08:21:58 WireMock.Net server running
05/22/2024 08:22:28 WireMock.Net server running
05/22/2024 08:22:58 WireMock.Net server running
05/22/2024 08:23:28 WireMock.Net server running
05/22/2024 08:23:58 WireMock.Net server running


nevaldas commented 1 month ago

I am running Docker on Windows. I am forwarding port 8100 to exposed port 80 in the container. Container runs just fine, says it's up and ready. Since we specify only port (in this case it's 80), it binds to localhost. image Then, calling from my host machine, request fails (but it works with older version). image I think, the reason is that kestrel is now listening for localhost only and previous versions used ListenAnyIp.

nevaldas commented 1 month ago

After digging more into this, we found a difference between our own containers and yours. As mentioned previously, we were setting only Port and that was fine while ListenAnyIp was used. Now we started using Urls which solves our problem, because of wildcard as host (just like in your docker images): image Sadly, I still think that this is a breaking change and more similar issues could be reported.

StefH commented 1 month ago

My Docker Image provides the URL like this: ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "wiremock-net.dll", "--Urls", "http://*:80"] for the Linux and Windows version.

You provide only the port? Like ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "wiremock-net.dll", "--Port", "80"]

nevaldas commented 1 month ago

Our entry point is abit different, but in short - it does not provide port there. It starts our own application which then internally starts wiremock standalone server. And via settings we used to provide only Port: image Bigger picture: image

StefH commented 1 month ago

When running locally on my PC this works fine:

var server = WireMockServer.Start(new WireMockServerSettings
    Urls = new[] { "http://*:9091" },
    StartAdminInterface = true
System.Console.WriteLine($"3: {string.Join(", ", server.Urls)}");

System.Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop...");

But in your case, when this same code is running inside a Docker container, it fails?

nevaldas commented 1 month ago

Partially yes. If you would change given code to this and run it in Docker container, it would not respond anymore:

var server = WireMockServer.Start(new WireMockServerSettings
    Port = 9091,
    StartAdminInterface = true
System.Console.WriteLine($"3: {string.Join(", ", server.Urls)}");

System.Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop...");
StefH commented 1 month ago

I can reproduce it.

I think this PR will fix it: https://github.com/WireMock-Net/WireMock.Net/pull/1107

StefH commented 1 month ago

A new NuGet version 1.5.55 will be available in some time.