WireMock-Net / WireMock.Net

WireMock.Net is a flexible product for stubbing and mocking web HTTP responses using advanced request matching and response templating. Based on the functionality from http://WireMock.org, but extended with more functionality.
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Using Random Handlebar mixed with {{ response templating }} #952

Closed pouyaSobhanipour closed 1 year ago

pouyaSobhanipour commented 1 year ago


i am using Random HandleBar in .Net to receieve a randome response from a list of predefied values using wiremock.

String List: "{{Random Type=\"StringList\" Values=[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]}}" in my case a, b or c are different json responces. as following :

a => {\'result\':\'ERROR\',\'description\':\'Value Not Found\',\'ReqCode\':\'123\'} b => {\'result\':\'ERROR\',\'description\':\'Value set to Null\',\'ReqCode\':\'456\'} c => {\'result\':\'ERROR\',\'description\':\'More than one item\',\'ReqCode\':\'789\'}

what i need to have in my project , is to understand which response ( a , b or c ) is associated with what request ( but i don't want the ReqCode to be fixed and pre-defiend).

we already know that one way to pass a dynamic value from request into response would be using "Response Templating - {{ }}" . but in this case , i could not find a way to pass this dynamic value using Random responce handlebar as the following :

\"a\ => "{\'result\':\'ERROR\',\'description\':\'Value Not Found\',\'ReqCode\':\'{{ my random Code }}\'} \"b\ => "{\'result\':\'ERROR\',\'description\':\'Value set to Null\',\'ReqCode\':\'{{my random Code }}\'} \"c\ => "{\'result\':\'ERROR\',\'description\':\'More than one item\',\'ReqCode\':\'{{my random Code }}\'}

using this what i receive in response is the string itself ({{my random Code }}) rather than the value i passed in request body. Is there any way to do this in wiremock ?


StefH commented 1 year ago

So depending on a random value from a string list, you want to return a different message and a random code?

pouyaSobhanipour commented 1 year ago

Hello .

I need to pass a value into the Random string list. as an example

String List: "{{Random Type=\"StringList\" 
Values=[\"{'result':'ERROR','description':'Value Not Found','ReqCode':'{{ my random Code }}'}\",
              \"{'result':'ERROR','description':'Value set to Null','ReqCode':'{{my random Code }}'}\",
              \"{'result':'ERROR','description':'More than one item','ReqCode':'{{my random Code }}'}\"

so my request body would be (using a Post request) :


and the response would be a random string, chosed from the Random List filed with the passed data. so the response body comming from wiremock server would be:

{'result':'ERROR','description':'Value set to Null','ReqCode':'1234'} How am i able to implement this ? Thanks

StefH commented 1 year ago

See https://github.com/WireMock-Net/WireMock.Net/issues/956