Wiredcraft / test-backend

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[Complete] Test Backend Submission #51

Closed ezio-hub closed 4 years ago

ezio-hub commented 4 years ago

work in process

ezio-hub commented 4 years ago

The basic requirments is complete, live api doc,

This PR includes:

implementation details:

how to run the code

run server npm run dev

watch api doc npm install apidoc -g npm run watch_apidoc it will generate apidoc files when your apidoc comments changes, you can go to localhost:9090/apidoc/ and test your api in realtime

This PR not includes

ezio-hub commented 4 years ago

test setps

create user image id is 5f1e2f194d88671d9b0c7ade token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjVmMWUyZjE5NGQ4ODY3MWQ5YjBjN2FkZSIsImlhdCI6MTU5NTgxMzY1NywiZXhwIjoxNTk5NDEzNjU3fQ.IT32WV21rhcx_2L6PpoMwnHqN_LIqpeMzdRIwkV_JeI

update user's name image

update all user's fields image

get user from list by search image