Wireless-Innovation-Forum / 6-GHz-AFC

This repository contains code and data for testing the compliance of Automated Frequency Coordinator (AFC) software. The AFC is defined by the FCC in proceeding 18-295 on Unlicensed Use of the 6 GHz Band. This repository contains procedures, documentation, and tests for such software, and for the devices authorized by it. To contribute, please first read the CONTRIBUTING file in the repository for instructions.
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Query on Handling Bandwidth #53

Closed alexcpn closed 8 months ago

alexcpn commented 8 months ago

In TR 1008, it is written

"3.2 General notes on data quality The nature of the ULS gives rise to the probability of data accuracy issues. First, ULS data can be entered manually with remedial error checking. This increases the likelihood of introducing errors. For example, there is a license record that shows a 500 MHz emission bandwidth, which is clearly incorrect. Cross-checking against Comsearch’s frequency coordination database found that it should have been entered as 5 MHz.4 "

I came across this in SIP.8

SELECT emission_code,location_number,antenna_number,frequency_assigned,frequency_number  FROM emission WHERE unique_system_identifier = 1042259 

500MF9W     1   1   6780.00000000   1

However in the bandwidth handling specification in TS 1014 R2-AIP-19 it is not clearly mentioned what to do with these.

"Otherwise, determine BWFS as follows: Step 2.1: Find the smallest value (BWSmallestFCC) of the FCC-authorized bandwidths that is greater than or equal to the BWEmissionsDesignator, where the FCC-defined authorized bandwidths are defined in FCC Rule Parts 101.147(i) [n.20] and 101.147(k) [n.21] as shown in the table below:" image " No bandwidth in FCC authorised table is greater than 500 MHz. Can we skip handling such entries ? Maybe this can be mentioned explicitly

alexcpn commented 8 months ago

This is clear; I missed the greater than 60 part

"If the associated transmitter’s emissions designator as provided in the ULS is not blank, not 0 and not greater than 60 MHz, "