Wireless-Innovation-Forum / 6-GHz-AFC

This repository contains code and data for testing the compliance of Automated Frequency Coordinator (AFC) software. The AFC is defined by the FCC in proceeding 18-295 on Unlicensed Use of the 6 GHz Band. This repository contains procedures, documentation, and tests for such software, and for the devices authorized by it. To contribute, please first read the CONTRIBUTING file in the repository for instructions.
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Antenna Category Mismatch affecting test results #55

Open alexcpn opened 3 months ago

alexcpn commented 3 months ago

There seem to be many high-performance antennas that are missing in https://github.com/Wireless-Innovation-Forum/6-GHz-AFC/blob/main/data/common_data/high_performance_antennas.csv

Some examples

In AFCS,SIP.2: Commscope/Andrew, UHP12-59W is not in HP antenna list though it is treated as such from AT&T results. If we take this as HP antenna the results differ and matches the test vector ( RPE Table look up)


In AFCS.SIP.13 :COMMSCOPE,HP10-65G , HP10-59W ANDREW CORPORATION, HPX6-65E and many more example possibly Commscope UHX12-65J RF

Since there are a lot of misses, and I suspect, those who participated in the test vector creation would have used the correct classification, for other who use the high_performance_antennas.csv , the results vary.

Can I propose that for Andrew or Commscope Manufacture all Antenna models that starts with prefix 'HP' or 'UHX' be treated as HP antennas ?

petesyoung commented 1 month ago


The high_performance_antennas.csv file does need some work. However the definition of high performance as defined in TS-1014 stipulates that the antenna RPE must meet BOTH FCC Category A sidelobe suppression requirements AND the radiation pattern as defined in ITU-R F.699-8. Therefore a thorough review of the antenna patterns must be done in order to make the assessment as to whether the antenna patterns meet Category A only, which cover most HP antennas, or if they also meet ITU-R F.699 as well, allowing the TS-1014 high performance designation.

Given that the fall back is to the Category A and not to the Category B designation, one could argue that there is minimal improvement in overall channel availability with the High Performance designation.


alexcpn commented 1 month ago

Hi @petesyoung thanks for the reply.

Why I mentioned

Can I propose that for Andrew or Commscope Manufacture all Antenna models that starts with prefix 'HP' or 'UHX' be treated as HP antenna was that for these test vectors AFCS,SIP.2, 10,13 there was a marked difference in the calculated PSD and complying to the expected result while treating these antennas as High Perfrormance one

Given that the fall back is to the Category A and not to the Category B designation,

As per R2-AIP-13 the fall back is to Category B1 antenna


petesyoung commented 1 month ago

Hi Alex,

R2-AIP-13 is not the procedure that would identify what the fall back is. The fall back is defined in R2-AIP-07-b. The highlighted section in yellow is the fall back if the antenna model is blank or null. The highlighted section in green is what to use if the model is not blank or null, and the model prefix does not appear in either the Category B1 or High Performance list.



alexcpn commented 1 month ago

Hi @petesyoung , Yes this is right and this is how I have used for RPE calculation in the code that I have checked now. Sorry for the confusion earlier , what I meant was the usage in the RPE calculation code.

    if GRx >= 38: # R2-AIP-07-b Page 30
        if abs(math.degrees(gamma)) < 5: #degrees
            rpe_calc = calculate_GRx_Az_RPE(math.degrees(gamma),GRx,D2RxNFA_m,centerFreqMhz)
            rpe =  rpe_calc - GRx
            # Category B1 # 
            if ant_category == 'B1': # from supplimentary data OR if in ULS antenna model is Blank
                #Use the minimum radiation suppression in Table 2 for the Fc, FS-Rx, ULS (MHz) and Category B1 
                rpe = getRadiationSupressionFromTable(centerFreqMhz,ant_category,math.degrees(gamma))  #ok SIP.3
            elif ant_category == 'HP':   # if antenna model is identified as a high-performance antenna and Category A
                #Use the greater discrimination value of 
                rpe_tab = getRadiationSupressionFromTable(centerFreqMhz,"A",math.degrees(gamma))  #ok SIP.3
                # GRx – GRx(Disc), where GRx(Disc) is determined using the formulas in ITU-R F.699-8 [n.15] - Page 31
                rpe_calc =  calculate_GRx_Az_RPE(math.degrees(gamma),GRx,D2RxNFA_m,centerFreqMhz)
                rpe_calc =rpe_calc -GRx
                rpe = max(rpe_tab,rpe_calc)  #Use the greater discrimination value of:
                 # Use the minimum radiation suppression in Table 2 for theFc, FS-Rx, ULS (MHz) and Category A otherwise.
                rpe = getRadiationSupressionFromTable(centerFreqMhz,'A',math.degrees(gamma))

But even with this there is a difference between HP and Category A antennas, as I have mentioned.