Wireless-Innovation-Forum / 6-GHz-AFC

This repository contains code and data for testing the compliance of Automated Frequency Coordinator (AFC) software. The AFC is defined by the FCC in proceeding 18-295 on Unlicensed Use of the 6 GHz Band. This repository contains procedures, documentation, and tests for such software, and for the devices authorized by it. To contribute, please first read the CONTRIBUTING file in the repository for instructions.
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Modify harness structure to support multiple test vector versions #59

Open AEgbert opened 2 months ago

AEgbert commented 2 months ago

Wi-Fi Alliance has recently released a revision to the AFC SUT test vectors (v1.3), which adds support for Global Operating Class (GOC) 137. However, they are also maintaining the previous version (v1.2) as a publicly available document.

Because the Wi-Fi Alliance AFC SDI does not specify how an AFC System should respond to a message containing a GOC it does not support (i.e., whether the AFC System should ignore the requested GOC/provide no channels for that GOC or return an error, such as INVALID_VALUE), we cannot update the harness to include only the v1.3 test vectors.

Currently, the v1.3 test vectors can be manually used with the test harness by changing the directories referenced in the cfg/harness.toml config file to point to directories containing updated v1.3 test vectors. Note that Wi-Fi Alliance does not provide *.JSON formatted response masks for SRS.1, URS.1-7, or FSP-100; these would need to be generated by the user. Previously, we have provided *.JSON versions of all inquiries and these missing response masks within the harness repository for ease of use.

To simplify use of the new v1.3 vectors while permitting continued use of the existing v1.2 vectors, this issue proposes the following changes to the test harness:

After these changes, users will be able to easily test against either version of the test vectors by modifying the values in cfg/harness.toml accordingly.