Wireless-Innovation-Forum / 6-GHz-AFC

This repository contains code and data for testing the compliance of Automated Frequency Coordinator (AFC) software. The AFC is defined by the FCC in proceeding 18-295 on Unlicensed Use of the 6 GHz Band. This repository contains procedures, documentation, and tests for such software, and for the devices authorized by it. To contribute, please first read the CONTRIBUTING file in the repository for instructions.
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Access Point Clutter Loss Related clarification for AFCS,SIP.1 #62

Open alexcpn opened 1 month ago

alexcpn commented 1 month ago

For the AFCS.SIP.1 test vector, the AP is in Puerto Rico . All uncertainty points are however in the suburban areas (NLCD code=23 ap_clutter=28.358255979867597) from the Map. Though I am not fully sure if the OSM map is correct here


If I use the NLCD tiles from WINNF https://github.com/Wireless-Innovation-Forum/Common-Data/blob/694c98ff82b05c5404a8d67698074233456bfae1/data/nlcd/nlcd_islands/nlcd_n19w067_ref.zip

I get NLCD code =23 ap_clutter=28.358255979867597 and PSD does not match the test vector. Using this I get PSD=26.28 which is not correct as per the expected frequency

If I use the NLCD tiles from https://github.com/Wi-FiTestSuite/6GHz-AFC/tree/main/NLCD_data - NLCD data for Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, I get NLCD code=43 ap_clutter=7.03211975868273 and the PSD which matches the test data

However when I downloaded the Tiles from the US Govt https://www.mrlc.gov/viewer/ for 2021 land cover (NLCD_GlcJyR14qcsvJMtF4FFW.zip) and loaded this in QGIS and checked via value tool and also visually it seems to confirm with the OSM map that it is a suburban area NLCD code 22/23 for all uncertainty points image

I added both the layers from MRLC 2021 Land cover and the one from Wi-FiTestSuite (VI_PR-NLCD_Data/nlcd_n19w067_ref.int on the QGIS and I can see difference between the two in certain uncertainty positions image

Just wanted to clarify which is the correct tiles to use.

With the Wi-FiTestSuite data I am getting closer to the target

[INFO] ********************************************************************************
[INFO] Going to process 0/2 UUID = 3297962 call_sign = WQNW580 P[16],T[L=1,A=16],R[L=9,A=1] CF=6330.665
[INFO] accesspoint_loc =(18.16277, -66.722083) receiver_loc=(18.17088888888889, -66.75069444444445)
[INFO] t_height_to_center_raat=16.8
[INFO] Processing UUID = 3297962 call_sign = 'WQNW580' R to AP Dist =3157.791803211777 m, CF =6330.665 Mhz
[INFO] Uncertanity Points Length=330
[INFO] receiver_clutterloss=0 for receiver_nlcd_code=0
[INFO] Maximum transmit_power PSD =0.07980533666508904 dBm/MHz at AP Loc=(18.163818029704153, -66.7223666250256) Loss=118.28239515462951 @itm-fspl
[INFO] receiver_clutterloss=0 ap_clutterloss=1.7974101820355837
[INFO] GRx_Effective=7.0 GAZ_Disc=-23  accesspoint_ht_m=12.0 class_string=1.b rpe_table=-23
[INFO] ->gamma=17.039888404790023 ap_nlcd_code=43 rpe_p=-23 rpe_d=None θAZ_Disc=15.429530823883058,θEL_Disc=1.4908398004211967
[INFO] uuid: 3297962
[INFO] call_sign: WQNW580
[INFO] frequency_assigned: 6330.665
[INFO] frequency_upper_band: None
[INFO] transmitter_make: Ceragon Networks
[INFO] transsmitter_model: IP20S-6-M60X-X AMR
[INFO] is_odu: False
[INFO] receiver_loc: (18.17088888888889, -66.75069444444445)
[INFO] t_loc_num: 1
[INFO] t_path_num: 16
[INFO] t_ant_num: 16
[INFO] receiver_to_ap_dist_m: 3157.791803211777
[INFO] r_height_to_center_raat: 30.5
[INFO] r_diversity_gain: None
[INFO] r_azimuth: None
[INFO] r_antenna_make: CERAGON
[INFO] r_antenna_model: AM-3-6-A
[INFO] r_loc_num: 9
[INFO] r_path_num: 16
[INFO] r_ant_num: 1
[INFO] polarization_code: None
[INFO] line_loss: None
[INFO] r_diameter_ft: 2.9855644
[INFO] r_diameter_m: 0.91
[INFO] antenna_type_code: R
[INFO] ant_category: B2
[INFO] r_diversity_height: 19.5
[INFO] transmitter_loc: (18.167361111111113, -66.57655555555556)
[INFO] dFSTx_FSRx_m: 18428.651718252182
[INFO] t_height_to_center_raat: 16.8
[INFO] t_gain: 33.0
[INFO] t_diversity_gain: None
[INFO] t_azimuth: 271.2
[INFO] t_antenna_make: CERAGON
[INFO] t_antenna_model: AM-3-6-A
[INFO] uls_bandwidth: 60.0
[INFO] bandwidth: 60.0
[INFO] center_freq: 6330.665
[INFO] frequency_range: (6300.665, 6360.665)
[INFO] r_gain: 33.0
[INFO] accesspoint_loc: (18.16277, -66.722083)
[INFO] accesspoint_ht_m: 10.0
[INFO] accesspoint_vtunc_m: 2
[INFO] accesspoint_hzunc_x: 150
[INFO] accesspoint_hzunc_y: 150
[INFO] ap_nlcd_code: 24
[INFO] receiver_elev: 794.099853515625
[INFO] transmitter_elev: 1307.400146484375
[INFO] ********************************************************************************

[INFO] Expected Frequency
[INFO] 5925-6300,upperBound:23.0 nominalValue:23.0
[INFO] 6300-6361,upperBound:-1.1 nominalValue:-3.1
[INFO] 6361-6425,upperBound:23.0 nominalValue:23.0
[INFO] 6525-6650,upperBound:23.0 nominalValue:23.0
[INFO] 6676-6875,upperBound:23.0 nominalValue:23.0
[INFO] Calculated Frequency
[INFO] 5925.0-6300.665  psd: 23.0
[INFO] 6300.665-6360.665  psd: 0.07980533666508904
[INFO] 6360.665-6419.965  psd: 23.0
[INFO] 6419.965-6425.0  psd: 23.0
[INFO] 6525.0-6650  psd: 23.0
[INFO] 6650-6676  psd: 0
[INFO] 6676-6875.0  psd: 23.0

If I put AP clutter loss as 0, then I am getting exactly to the target. But as per the spec, the clutter loss is zero at the receiver side if the receiver antenna height > 6 m and R2-AIP-25 talks nothing about the Access Point antenna height limit for clutter loss