This repository contains code and data for testing the compliance of Automated Frequency Coordinator (AFC) software. The AFC is defined by the FCC in proceeding 18-295 on Unlicensed Use of the 6 GHz Band. This repository contains procedures, documentation, and tests for such software, and for the devices authorized by it. To contribute, please first read the CONTRIBUTING file in the repository for instructions.
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109/128 test cases fail after databases from Wi-FiTestSuite are applied #65
According to SUT harness document, I expect that all test cases will pass after I apply all databases from on my AFC server system, including:
ULS Snapshot (converted to .sqlite3)
3dep USGS DEM (converted to wgs84)
Unfortunately, the number of failed cases are even more than the latest production database:
Most of test cases fails because the response values are bigger than the upper threshold (22.9 dBm/MHz for PSD or 36 dBm for EIRP). Looks like the file of ULS .sqlite3 is not very correct.
Could anyone please give me any suggestion? Did I do anything wrong or is my expectation wrong?
Hi, According to SUT harness document, I expect that all test cases will pass after I apply all databases from on my AFC server system, including:
Unfortunately, the number of failed cases are even more than the latest production database:
Most of test cases fails because the response values are bigger than the upper threshold (22.9 dBm/MHz for PSD or 36 dBm for EIRP). Looks like the file of ULS .sqlite3 is not very correct.
Could anyone please give me any suggestion? Did I do anything wrong or is my expectation wrong?
Thank you, Pham Viet Sam