Wireless-Innovation-Forum / Citizens-Broadband-Radio-Service-Device

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WINNF.FT.C.REG.7 testcase fails if CBSD tries to get a grant #118

Closed cwilliams-ericsson closed 6 years ago

cwilliams-ericsson commented 6 years ago

WINNF.FT.C.REG.7 is currently written as:

jsonFileName REG_MultiStep_Success_cbsd1.json DRG_Success.json

So, if a CBSD is triggered to register, grant, heartbeat, etc., then it will fail the test, since user will not be able to change an installation parameter manually between the registration step and the grantRequest.

Therefore it is recommended to re-structure the test case as follows:

jsonFileName REG_MultiStep_Success_cbsd1.json HBT_spectrumInquiry_Cbsd.json HBT_grant_Cbsd.json HBT_heartbeat_GrantedState.json HBT_heartbeat_Auth_Repeats.json RLQ_relinquish_success.json DRG_Success.json

cwilliams-ericsson commented 6 years ago

Addressed in rel1.0.0.2_development branch

cwilliams-ericsson commented 6 years ago

Note: this changes the test implementation to match most of the other test cases: CBSD must get to heartbeat stage prior to operator triggering an installation parameter change.

cwilliams-ericsson commented 6 years ago

Addressed in release v1.0.0.2