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the measCapability parameter contains only the empty string (“”) #139

Open JunYe1993 opened 5 years ago

JunYe1993 commented 5 years ago

Hi sir,

In the WINNF-TS-0016 V1.2.2. If the measCapability parameter contains only the empty string (“”), the SAS assumes that the CBSD is not capable of reporting any measurements.

When I tested WINNF.FT.C.HBT.1. If CBSD request measCapability as "RECEIVED_POWER_WITHOUT_GRANT", then Test Harness will response"validation passed successfully, the engine sent registration Response" which is fine.But when my CBSD request measCapability as "", it fail without any error message. The SAS just response "The final result of the test : WINNF.FT.C.HBT.1 is - FAIL"

I check the log the only different is measCapability, what can I do to fix that?

Thank you in advance.

JunYe1993 commented 5 years ago

Hi sir,

I tested WINNF.FT.C.REG.3_waiver, it FAIL too. The test case WINNF.FT.C.REG.3_waiver should be not required measCapability in the request message.

Thank you in advance.

cwilliams-ericsson commented 5 years ago


Could you please attach the test harness log of the failed test case? I'd like to understand exactly what you are sending, and what the resultant error is.


JunYe1993 commented 5 years ago


The attachment include test case HBT.1 and REG.3_waiver with measCapability as empty string (“”) which are fail, and test case HBT.1 with measCapability as "RECEIVED_POWER_WITHOUT_GRANT" which is passed

Sorry about that I have hidden the "cbsdInfo" parameters.But I am sure about there are nothing wrong with parameters Log.zip

Thank you in advance.

cwilliams-ericsson commented 5 years ago

I see from your log file that there is some difference in interpretation of the protocol specification.

You are using "measCapability" : [ "" ]

I know of another vendor who has implemented: "measCapability" : [ ] which works with the test harness, and has passed SAS interop with several vendors.

In the short term, if it is possible to use that, you may be able to continue testing. However, it would be useful to get a clarification from WINNF WG3 on the correct interpretation.

JunYe1993 commented 5 years ago

I test WINNF.FT.C.REG.3_waiver and the others with not including "measCapability", and it works. But still thank you for your advice, it helps a lot.