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<Branch:bug fixes>Question for case "WINNF.FT.C.HBT.5" need to be updated #89

Closed pawan25062 closed 6 years ago

pawan25062 commented 6 years ago


test case WINNF.FT.C.HBT.5 : Heartbeat responseCode=501 (SUSPENDED_GRANT) in First Heartbeat Response need to be updated with question: Currently question defined in last JSON file(HBT_Post_HB_Error_501.json) of this test case is : "Does cbsd UUT stop transmiting within 60 seconds of receiving Heartbeat response with responseCode = 501?

As this 501 error is expected in first HB response, so CBSD will not even start transmission. So the question in this JSON file need to be updated: "There were no RF transmissions from CBSD1 during the test?"

cwilliams-ericsson commented 6 years ago

Updated in Pull-request #77 and #71

pawan25062 commented 6 years ago


Issue is fixed.