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WINNF.FT.C.MES.1 test case measReportConfig seen as a string #93

Closed dgcell20 closed 6 years ago

dgcell20 commented 6 years ago

As per specifications, measReportConfig should be an ‘array of strings’. The value being sent in the registrationResponse message is a single string, not contained in an array. Even though the MES_registration_MeasConf_Cbsd1.json shows it as an array.

The log file has: 2018-01-09T10:10:33.930Z - INFO - engine sent successfully, the response to CBRS : { "registrationResponse": [ { "cbsdId": "1234567890123456789Mock-SASEB1734120340", "measReportConfig": "RECEIVED_POWER_WITHOUT_GRANT", "response": { "responseCode": 0 } } ]

MES_registration_MeasConf_Cbsd1.json has: "response":{ "registrationResponse" :[ { "measReportConfig" : ["RECEIVED_POWER_WITHOUT_GRANT"],
"response": { "responseCode": 0 } }

cwilliams-ericsson commented 6 years ago

Hi Doug,

Can you provide any more information? This was fixed in Dec 22 commit. I downloaded the latest Master branch this morning and tried to reproduce with test case WINNF.FT.C.MES.1 and my logs show the measReportConfig is an array (see below). I can't figure out how the test harness could remove the array, since the parameter is read directly from the json file, and should be unaltered. Can you re-verify your setup?

2018-01-10T13:22:08.331Z - INFO - Response message contains measReportConfig 2018-01-10T13:22:08.331Z - INFO - engine sent successfully, the response to CBRS : { "registrationResponse": [ { "cbsdId": "EricssonFCCID1A3B5CMock-SASD823956047", "measReportConfig": [ "RECEIVED_POWER_WITHOUT_GRANT" ], "response": { "responseCode": 0 } } ] }

dgcell20 commented 6 years ago

Using the newer commit, measReportConfig is an ‘array of strings’. Test case is now failing at a later point. Spectrum inquiry request is sent including the measReport information. The spectrumInquiryResponse is not including the availableChannel information, which is expected. We then send another request, and obtain same response. See attached log file WINNF.FT.C.MES.1_2018-01-24T08.00.24Z.log

cwilliams-ericsson commented 6 years ago

Fixed in working branch.

dgcell20 commented 6 years ago
