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MockSAS on clear channel - without encryption #98

Closed gapelbaum closed 6 years ago

gapelbaum commented 6 years ago


Is it possible to run MockSAS without traffic encryption (over http without ssl) ?

The intention is to sniff the messages on test mode.


cwilliams-ericsson commented 6 years ago

I think you can do this by modifying flaskServer.py as follows (last line in the file) to avoid using the sslcontext. Change this:

def runFlaskServer(host,port,ctx): app.run(host,port,threaded=True,request_handler=WSGIRequestHandler,ssl_context=ctx)

to this (remove 'ssl_context=ctx'):

def runFlaskServer(host,port,ctx): app.run(host,port,threaded=True,request_handler=WSGIRequestHandler)

Let me know how it goes.

cwilliams-ericsson commented 6 years ago

Sorry, seems like email has format of code change a bit confused. Don't change format of last line, just remove the ssl_context.