WiringPi / WiringPi-Node

Node.js bindings to wiringPi
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not working with MCP23s17 #29

Open nemr opened 9 years ago

nemr commented 9 years ago

Hi , I have been trying to write high to GPIOA0 on the MCP23s17 chip using the wiring-pi npm . The code is runing without errors but the the GPIOA0 pin is not turning high

Here is the code I used .

var wpi = require('wiring-pi');

wpi.setup('wpi'); var pin = 64; wpi.mcp23s17Setup(pin, 0, 0)

wpi.pinMode(pin, wpi.OUTPUT);

setInterval(function() { wpi.digitalWrite (pin, 1); console.log(pin) }, 500);

I have tried setting the pin value to 123 , 64 and even increment it from 64 to 140 but nothing happens to any gpio's on the MCP23s17 .

the reset is connected to 5v , clk , mosi , miso of the chip is connected to SCLK , mosi , miso on the pi receptively I have also tried connecting mosi on the chip with miso on the pi but that did do anything as well

nekuz0r commented 9 years ago

How are wired the address pins of the MCP23S17 (A0:A2) ?

nemr commented 9 years ago

all are connected to ground so devid is 0

nekuz0r commented 9 years ago

did you wired the CS pin to the pi ?

nemr commented 9 years ago

yes to CE0 and I'm using raspberry pi 2

nekuz0r commented 9 years ago

No clue right now, i am using myself this chip in some projects.

nemr commented 9 years ago

is it possible to provide me with a sample code u used for this chip if my code is correct so I can test it and see if the problem is in the hardware ? and did u connect the MISO from the chip to the MISO or to the MOSI on the raspberry pi ? and is GPIOA0 pin 64 or 123 ?

Thanks for your help

nemr commented 9 years ago

Any updates on this ?