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Wiring Framework
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Build system improvements #19

Closed mbolivar closed 12 years ago

mbolivar commented 12 years ago

Add "make" and "run" ant targets to simplify development.

Now "ant make" builds the Wiring IDE, and "ant run" runs it. You can also just run "ant run"; it runs the "make" target first. These act like the old make.sh and run.sh build scripts. The make target is now the default. These targets have been tested on OS X (10.6), Windows XP 32-bit, Windows 7 64-bit, and Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit.

Properly implement the dist target on Windows. It now produces normal and expert .zip archives.

Improve the build "how-to" documentation, and make it more prominent so first-time builders have an easier time.