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update compiler #42

Open nerdralph opened 8 years ago

nerdralph commented 8 years ago

gcc 4.7.3 is pretty dated. The latest AVR toolchain from Atmel includes gcc 4.9.2 http://www.atmel.com/tools/ATMELAVRTOOLCHAINFORWINDOWS.aspx

avr-gcc 4.9.2 and enabling lto (add -flto to the flags in cores/AVR8bit/makefile) should make a significant reduction in code size. http://nerdralph.blogspot.ca/2014/04/gcc-link-time-optimization-can-fix-bad.html

dbarragan commented 8 years ago

thanks, we will look into that : )

nerdralph commented 8 years ago

It's issue #42. That muat be a sign that it is the answer to life, the universe, and everything! :-)