WiringProject / Wiring

Wiring Framework
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Build.xml remote file issues #47

Open sanyaade-iot opened 7 years ago

sanyaade-iot commented 7 years ago

Hi Everybody,

I was trying to build wiring on my Ubuntu box but I am an old reference to a remote file on googlecode.com

the issue as shown below:

` <property name="dep.reference.remote" value="http://wiring.googlecode.com/files/reference.zip"/> <property name="dep.reference.local" location="${deps.archive}/reference.zip"/>

the above is referring to a link that is no longer exist. I will be grateful is there is a help on where I can download this file from. Many thanks!

God blesses!!!

Best regards, Sanyaade `

JENkt4k commented 7 years ago

@sanyaade-iot I had the same issue. Google code closed a while back, and I'm not sure why this hasn't been addressed but I was able to find the correct path: Step 1: Open an editor (like Atom) and search the entire project for this string http://wiring.googlecode.com/files/

and do a replace all with this string: https://storage.googleapis.com/google-code-archive-downloads/v2/code.google.com/wiring/

Step 2: run "ant" again

I have forked this project and committed the change, but have not been able to merge back yet: https://github.com/JENkt4k/Wiring/commit/65e942806f6bde8e6da0becc51cb9afa79e5fbf7

Hope that helps!