Wirlie / Enhanced-Glist

Open Source plugin that enhances /glist command: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/enhanced-glist-bungeecord-velocity.53295/
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 0 forks source link

Release 2.0.0 - Progress #17

Open Wirlie opened 1 year ago

Wirlie commented 1 year ago

This Issue will be updated according to the progress of the next update.

You can download the latest preview build from our CI Server, be careful, builds can be unstable and may contains bugs or performance problems.

If you find any bug or have a suggestion feel free to open a Issue.

Main goals for this update:

Optional goals

Technical changes


Pending Tests

Wirlie commented 1 year ago

📅 Added suggestion from Choubatsu:

Could u add that command /slist opens up the server player is currently on

Wirlie commented 1 year ago

Suggestion from Josh12rice: https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/enhanced-glist-bungeecord-velocity.303250/page-6#post-4491143

I also wanted to give a suggestion for usage of /slist You can give us customization in config when we RIGHT-CLICK or LEFT-CLICK or SHIFT-RIGHT-CLICK or SHIFT-LEFT-CLICK the player who is online and that will do some ACTION: for example execute command as player or as proxy.

  • [console] send {player} {targetServer} # this is just example do whatever you want with this but at least make us possible to teleport to their subserver if we aren't already the same server, OR even more better: make so we can click on player and if we are not on the same server, the REQUEST to "join" will be sent to target player where he will be able to accept us or decline (or just accept and ignore)
  • Also on top of this, you should for sure add reverse thing of this - when you click (like some other type of click not the same for requesting to join server) on online player head from some server you will INVITE player to join your subserver (where you are) and then that player can accept request (like to click [ACCEPT] in chat, it's easier and should be customizable amount of text/lines)
Wirlie commented 1 year ago

[+] Feature: Added CMI support. (✅ 2.0.0 Beta 5)