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[App Request] AMP -Cubecoders Application Management Panel #3

Open tantgron1337 opened 1 year ago

tantgron1337 commented 1 year ago

Brief Description:

AMP (Application Management Panel) is a simple to use, easy to install, self-hosted control panel and management system for hosting game servers.

Project URL:


Additional Information:

I have tried to get this installed with MitchTalmadge docker version and instructions, but I'm not skilled enough. https://github.com/MitchTalmadge/AMP-dockerized



So greatful if I could get help with this to work, my kid and his friends want there own servers for Terraria. :)

Thank You for the great work with CasaOS and Zimaboard!!

WisdomSky commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm sorry but I think I will not be able to add this one. As per the documentation a License is required to run AMP.

But that said, looking at the documentation, setting up the docker container is straight-forward enough.

You can try running the following docker-compose config manually using docker compose up command:


    image: ghcr.io/imagegenius/amp:latest
    container_name: amp
    mac_address: 02:42:AC:E9:D7:65
    network_mode: host
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=Etc/UTC
      - USERNAME=admin
      - PASSWORD=admin
      - LICENCE=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    restart: unless-stopped

Note: be sure to replace the LICENSE with your copy of license and change the USERNAME and PASSWORD if you prefer having login credentials other than admin and admin.

The WebUI is accessible through port 8080

The image used is also from an another maintainer which is actively maintained. The one you linked is somehow inactive for over a year now.


tantgron1337 commented 1 year ago

Him, and thank you for your resons. :)

It's too bad you can not add it, isn't it just the same as for other software that you have to register for? But I do understand that you don't want to get into any trouble, its totally OK. :)

I tried to get it installed with your yml first without luck (made a dummy mac, included a paid key, tried both host- and bridge-mode), and then with some bits from another yml but still no luck.

Don't expect any more help from you, you have already more then enought. Have to add that I'm a real n00b at Docker, but I'm doing my best. Isn't Casaos aimed at people like me? :)

Thanks anyway, and keep up the good work! :)

EDIT: missed the line with "docker compose up", will Google it!

tantgron1337 commented 1 year ago

Coudl maybe this be an option instead? :) Should I write a new request?

https://github.com/OpenSourceLAN/gameservers-docker (Damn, this was even older :0 )

Or this? https://github.com/GameServerManagers/docker-gameserver