Include a new button on the ACE Arsenal object in 3DEN for Add SWS Defaults.
If it's hit while the arsenal is in Whitelist mode, it will add everything to the Arsenal except our items.
It it's hit while in Blacklist mode, it will blacklist everything included in the addons/arsenal/defaultItems.sqf file which is an export from the ACE Arsenal blacklist mode.
Adjusted some of the items included by default.
This now works with ACE Blacklist mode, intended to allow us to phase out the Auto-Add module since it will add new items automatically.
Removes the M96 LAW launcher from DMNS.
Adds the Spectrum Analyzer.
Ammo, Attachments, and Scopes
Now includes all ACE, OPTRE, and base-game Arma stuff except for: HuntIR rounds, Covenant items, and Spartan items.
Adds the Spectrum Analyzer attachments.
Helmets and Vests
Removes all non-SWS items except for some OPTRE, Fireteam Zulu, and 41st variants
Adds a handful of Fireteam Zulu, 41st, and OPTRE variants
Other (Non-Miscellaneous)
Adds OPTRE M41 IEDs and base ARMA small IEDs.
Adds ACE Gunbags.
Adds all binoculars (mostly just a handful of ACE ones).
Describe your changes
file which is an export from the ACE Arsenal blacklist mode.Weapons
Ammo, Attachments, and Scopes
Helmets and Vests
Other (Non-Miscellaneous)
Miscellaneous Items
Screenshots (if appropriate)