WithCandour / statamic-aardvark-seo

Candour's SEO addon for Statamic
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Manual Redirects not doing anything. #155

Closed geertjanknapen1 closed 1 year ago

geertjanknapen1 commented 1 year ago


Recently we configured a whole bunch of redirects for various URLs. Example; /product-one -> /products/product-one | Status: 301 | Active: Yes.

However when I hit the mysite.test/en/product-one URL a 404 page is returned, I'm not being redirected to mysite.test/en/products/product-one

Yes, the redirects are within the proper sites (it's a multisite setup).

Something else worth noting is that we are using the statamic/eloquent-driver package to save Entries, Collections, etc in our database.

Do I need to do something else? Did I mess up in the set up somewhere?

ols-bradshaw commented 1 year ago

Hi there.

When redirecting on an instance of multisite, you need to create redirects within each instance of the multisite. Within each of these redirects, the Source URL is relative, but the the Target URL is absolute, meaning that you need to include the full path of the Target URL, including the locale.

In your case, you would want to have a redirect on your en site with a Source URL of /product-one and a Target URL of /en/products/product-one.

Hopefully this helps. If not, please provide further information and we can try to assist you further :)

geertjanknapen1 commented 1 year ago

Sorry @ols-bradshaw, this issue got put on the back burner over here due to more pressing matters.

The docs on Redirects state:

Redirects are relative to the site URL, so subfolder multisite installations will not need the site root prepended to the redirect URLs e.g. /redirect rather than /en/redirect for a site installed at example.com/en

I understand that as not putting /en/ (for example) in the Target URL. But that is not the case then? (Though I'm not sure what subfolder multisite installations means)


So, a quick recap. An example of the redirects I've tried, this was only for the EN site for now;

Source URL Target URL Status Code Is active
/product-one /products/category/product-one 301 Yes
/en/product-one /products/category/product-one 301 Yes
/product-one /en/products/category/product-one 301 Yes

I did not have those commits active at once, when testing the second one for example, the first one was removed and all cached was cleared

None of the above do anything when navigating to mysite.test/product-one.

Questions I have;

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

geertjanknapen1 commented 1 year ago

So, I started digging into this big-time, and the solution is really simple. You should register the middleware apparently.

I registered the RedirectsMiddleware in the Global middleware stack and now the redirects work.

use WithCandour\AardvarkSeo\Http\Middleware\RedirectsMiddleware;

protected $middleware = [

Maybe I didn't look thoroughly enough, but I see no mention of having to register the middleware yourself in the documentation on redirects (that's why I didn't), perhaps a good idea to add that to the docs.

Or if this is not the way and you should not have to register the middleware yourself, then what would be the solution and intended way to do this?