WithCandour / statamic-aardvark-seo

Candour's SEO addon for Statamic
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How can I override the sitemap route? #179

Open mauriciodinamarca opened 2 weeks ago

mauriciodinamarca commented 2 weeks ago

Hello I was looking at the Statamic's Discord (link here) and also here (issue 148 and I can't find a way to override it. We have a lot of entries (+107.000) using eloquent driver in Database but when visiting the url it throws a FatalException (we think that it should be the amount of data to put into an collection / array):

Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 237568 bytes)

We tried to add something like in the routes/web.php file but without success: Route::get('/sitemap.xml', [\App\Http\Controllers\SitemapController::class, 'index']);

Thanks in advance