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Include localroot for 4.0.3 < #21

Closed tel0seh closed 11 years ago

tel0seh commented 12 years ago

Current public releases of mempodipper most recent local root for android devices based on /proc/pid/mem arbitrary write only supports a few handsets, as the exploit requires you pass it offsets for setuid() and for exit(), and these have only been determined for a number of devices. nesquick95 @ xda developers devised a method for obtaining these offsets, and I have merged his code into the mempodipper exploit. Cross compile for arm, and then run on a vulnerable device:

./mempodipper < address to exit> < address to setuid> <-command>

or now alternatively:

./mempodipper - - <-command>

The dynamic version of mempodipper is relatively untested, and likely needs some work before it is ready to be incorporated into mercury, however most of the work is already done.

source here: http://pastebin.com/RM4zyy9a

tel0seh commented 12 years ago

Was informed pastebin links expire, here is a gist alternative: git://gist.github.com/2946019.git

metall0id commented 12 years ago

Excellent! As an example and for future reference, here is an exploit outline that can be used for root exploits of this nature. This allows Mercury to obtain a root shell using the exploit.

print "\n[*] Uploading mempodroid"
upload = session.uploadFile(mempodroid_location, "/data/data/com.mwr.mercury")

if upload.isError():
     print "[-] Failed: " + upload.error
     print "[+] Succeeded"
     print "[*] chmod 770 mempodroid"
     chmod = session.executeCommand("shell", "executeSingleCommand", {'args':'chmod 770 /data/data/com.mwr.mercury/mempodroid'})
     if chmod.isError():
         print "[-] Failed\n"
         print "[+] Succeeded"

         print "[*] Executing mempodroid"

         session.executeCommand("shell", "executeMercuryShell", {'args':'/data/data/com.mwr.mercury/mempodroid - - sh'})
         print "\n--------------<mercury_shell>--------------"
         returned = session.executeCommand("shell", "readMercuryShell", None).getPaddedErrorOrData()
         print returned
         print "--------------</mercury_shell>-------------\n"

         if "#" in returned:
             print "Success! There is a root shell waiting in shell->persistent\n"
             print "It appears that this did not work :(\n"
tel0seh commented 12 years ago

Awesome. Thanks for that. Will work on updating the zygote exploit, ADB exploit and rage against the cage exploits to be dynamic today + write modules for them.

tel0seh commented 12 years ago

Also, It's been quite some time since I managed to compile a localroot exploit from source, and the wrapper script I used to compile my RATC exploit for brucon is broken. Do you have experience compiling raw C for arm against bionic?

metall0id commented 12 years ago

The C code you provided in your 2nd post compiled nicely using ndk-build. In summary, create 3 folders named jni, libs and obj. Put your C file in jni and create a simple Android.mk as below:


LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

# Here we give our module name and source file(s)
LOCAL_MODULE    := dynamic_mempodipper_mercury
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := dynamic_mempodipper_mercury.c


Navigate to the root of these 3 folders and call ndk-build. You should get:

Compile thumb  : dynamic_mempodipper_mercury <= dynamic_mempodipper_mercury.c
Executable     : dynamic_mempodipper_mercury
Install        : dynamic_mempodipper_mercury => libs/armeabi/dynamic_mempodipper_mercury
tel0seh commented 12 years ago

Awesome thankyou. Am i correct in understanding that if using a root thread i create a setuid copy of sh, mercury is able to utilise that over a socket? The current exploit uses internet permissions to open a reverse shell.

metall0id commented 12 years ago

Yes, that should work fine provided that you put sh in a location that allows you to use suids. You might have to patch some sections of Mercury depending on what you are trying to achieve exactly. You can also use the su binary marked as suid.

The ideal scenario for Mercury would be to only have root exploits get a root shell. We are planning features so that you are able to use Mercury as a reverse payload as well as a bind payload so that scenarios like the following can happen:

If you provide more specifics on what the exploit you are doing it trying to achieve then I can tell you what Mercury already has and what is missing to implement it.


tel0seh commented 12 years ago

The exploit is for cve-2009-1185, where the kernel does not check the origin of netlink messages that can create hotplug events. However a caveat with this particular bug is that it is leveraged by asking UDev (via a hotplug event) to execute the exploit binary as root. This restricts our ability to:

Currently in order to interact with the root thread, the binary has a if (geteuid() == 0) as the first thing in main, and it reverse connects back to a hardcoded IP address (due to the arguments restriction).

From analysing other modules, it seems that mercury's current root module just executes a setuid binary which returns a local sh prompt with elevated privileges taht mercury then interacts with, which obviously cannot be done with this particular exploit.

My question is how would you like me to implement the payload so that minimal changes are required to mercury itself?

I personally think our options are:



metall0id commented 12 years ago

I am personally in favour of the setuid sh solution. This will probably entail:

This allows a persistent backdoor on the device that Mercury can use to get root without exploiting the vulnerability again. This will also be the most graceful solution to implement at the moment given the limited nature of the communications protocol.

Good luck, it is going to be awesome :) Tyrone

tel0seh commented 12 years ago

I'm having issues. Seems installing the server on my test handset for this exploit doesn't work. The SDK version is too high for my phone. does mercury run at all on 2.1/2.2? if not, this module is moot, as the exploit only affects these versions.

metall0id commented 12 years ago

The min SDK version is currently set to 8 - Android 2.2 Froyo. Not sure why this is the case, it seems to work when android:minSdkVersion="7" in AndroidManifest.xml

Would you change the minSdkVersion, recompile and try again please? (I can also recompile and put it somewhere for you if you would like to save time)

metall0id commented 12 years ago

How is it going with this? You running into problems?

mikeshaulov commented 11 years ago

Hi guys, Did you implemented / port the rage-against-the-cage / GignerBreak exploits to this framework? Couldn't find it in the models...

Do you need help with it?


metall0id commented 11 years ago


We have not ported either of those exploits. It would be great if you could give it a bash and we will pitch in where we can :)

metall0id commented 11 years ago

All root discussions moved to issue #56