Closed ShilpaRanganatha closed 6 years ago
Can you try SSH to the device manually and see if it works.
I could SSH into ipad version 9.3.3 using both USB and IP Address.
Via USB:
Via IP Address:
But for iPhone having version 10.2.1, could SSH only via USB.
But for iPhone having version 10.2.1, could SSH only via USB.
This is intended behaviour, as the dropbear daemon dropped by the iOS 10 jailbreak only listens on localhost
I am aware of that. Here the problem is that needle is not able to ssh into the device (os- 10.2.1) with usb.
facing same issue on iOS 11.0 while trying to install device dependency from module "device/dependency_installer".
Are you still experiencing the same issue?
Closed due to inactivity
Unable to take SSH over USB or using IP Address
Expected behaviour
A connection should have been established successfully.
Actual behaviour
Steps to reproduce
needle error logs
When taking SSH over USB:
When taking SSH using IP Address:
Needle Version
Workstation Operating System: Mac OS Sierra, 10.12.6
Python Version: 2.7.13
Python Packages (
pip freeze
)AMAC02QV1SZG8WP:~ shilpa.ranganatha$ pip freeze androguard==3.1.0.dev0 anyjson==0.3.3 appnope==0.1.0 argh==0.26.2 backports-abc==0.5 backports.shutil-get-terminal-size==1.0.0 backports.ssl-match-hostname== BeautifulSoup==3.2.1 beautifulsoup4==4.4.1 billiard== biplist==0.9 blinker==1.4 brotlipy==0.6.0 bs4==0.0.1 certifi==2017.11.5 cffi==1.9.1 cheroot==5.7.0 CherryPy==11.0.0 clearbit==0.1.4 click==6.7 colorama==0.3.9 config==0.3.9 ConfigArgParse==0.11.0 configparser==3.5.0 construct==2.5.2 coreapi==2.3.0 coreschema==0.0.4 cryptography==1.5.3 cssutils==1.0.2 decorator==4.1.2 Django==1.10.5 django-rest-swagger==2.1.2 djangorestframework==3.6.2 dnspython==1.14.0 EasyProcess==0.2.3 EditorConfig==0.12.1 enum34==1.1.6 extras==1.0.0 fixtures==3.0.0 Flask==0.11.1 frida==10.0.11 funcsigs==1.0.2 future==0.15.2 fuzzywuzzy==0.15.0 h2==2.4.4 hpack==2.3.0 html2text==2016.9.19 hyperframe==4.0.2 idna==2.1 image==1.5.5 ipaddress==1.0.18 ipython==5.4.1 ipython-genutils==0.2.0 isign==1.6.15 itsdangerous==0.24 itypes==1.1.0 Jinja2==2.10 jsbeautifier==1.6.14 json2html==1.0.1 lettuce==0.2.23 linecache2==1.0.0 livereload==2.5.1 lxml==3.6.0 Markdown==2.6.10 MarkupSafe==1.0 memoizer==0.0.1 mitmproxy==0.18.3 mkdocs==0.17.2 mkdocs-material==2.2.6 mock==2.0.0 networkx==1.11 nose==1.3.7 olefile==0.44 openapi-codec==1.3.1 paramiko==2.1.2 passlib==1.6.5 pathlib2==2.3.0 pathtools==0.1.2 pbr==2.0.0 pdfkit==0.6.1 pexpect==4.2.1 pickleshare==0.7.4 Pillow==3.4.2 piplapis-python==5.1.0 portend==2.1.2 prompt-toolkit==1.0.14 protobuf==3.2.0 ptyprocess==0.5.2 pyasn1==0.1.9 pycparser==2.17 pycrypto==2.6.1 Pygments==2.2.0 pymdown-extensions==4.7 pymongo==3.3.0 pyOpenSSL==0.15.1 pyparsing==2.1.10 pyperclip==1.5.27 python-mimeparse==1.6.0 python-owasp-zap-v2.4==0.0.8 python-subunit==1.2.0 python-Wappalyzer==0.2.2 python-whois==0.6.2 pytz==2016.6.1 PyVirtualDisplay==0.2.1 PyYAML==3.12 readline== requests==2.10.0 requests-file==1.4 rsa==3.4.2 scandir==1.5 selenium==2.53.6 simplegeneric==0.8.1 simplejson==3.8.2 singledispatch== six==1.11.0 SQLAlchemy==1.2.0b1 sshtunnel==0.1.2 stevedore==1.23.0 style==1.1.0 sure==1.4.1 tempora==1.8 termcolor==1.1.0 testtools==2.2.0 tldextract==2.0.1 tornado==4.5.2 tqdm==4.7.6 traceback2==1.4.0 traitlets==4.3.2 typing== unittest2==1.1.0 update==0.0.1 uritemplate==3.0.0 urwid==1.3.1 virtualenv==15.1.0 virtualenv-clone==0.2.6 virtualenvwrapper==4.7.2 watchdog==0.8.3 wcwidth==0.1.7 Werkzeug==0.12.2
Device iOS Version: 10.2.1, 9.3.3