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Data Pack, how can I make the bowels turn upside down #48

Open Magiciandseq3 opened 2 months ago

Magiciandseq3 commented 2 months ago

Data Pack, how can I make the bowels turn upside down, I don't need others, please help me, I just want the bowels to turn upside down.

WitherBean commented 2 months ago

Did you install the datapack correctly?

Magiciandseq3 commented 2 months ago

I downloaded the datapack properly, but because there is a lot of lag and because the bowels are inverted in the datapack, which I am very interested in, so I want it to be lag-free and just bowels inverte My English is very bad, sorry if there are any mistakes

WitherBean commented 2 months ago

The bowels stuff is redone and the lag is fixed in the new update coming soon.

Magiciandseq3 commented 2 months ago

which files are used to invert the bowels? please tell me, I will delete all but the files that make bowels invert until I wait for the update

WitherBean commented 2 months ago

It's in the top of tick.mcfunction

Magiciandseq3 commented 2 months ago

If I delete everything in the data pack, is it okay if I don't just delete the rotation in the function section?

WitherBean commented 2 months ago

delete everything in tick.mcfunction under line 24

WitherBean commented 2 months ago

check the milestones to see the progress in the update and feel free to make more suggestions

Magiciandseq3 commented 2 months ago

Will it work if I delete these files? image

WitherBean commented 2 months ago


Magiciandseq3 commented 2 months ago

Ok I wıll not delete those files thank you for help :)

WitherBean commented 2 months ago

no problem