Wixely / CelestronESPWifi

ESP based wifi adapter for Celestron telescopes
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RJ12 Diagram has incorrect wiring (backwards). #3

Open rhass opened 2 years ago

rhass commented 2 years ago

The wiring diagram shows pins 1-4 used on the RJ12 connector. This appears to be backwards. The correct pin for Vcc is on pin 3 and Ground is Pin 5.

Please note, I haven't got my scope to connect yet so I cannot confirm the correct pins for Rx/Tx -- but for sure these should be shifted to Pins 6 and 4.

This is how I currently have mine wired up:


I may not need the level-shifter here, but I did it just to be safe on the Tx line to the scope. Rx is level shifted on the MCU breakout I am using. Also the LM2596 is not the actual power regulator I am using... it's just a placeholder in Fritzing.

5a796d commented 2 years ago

I confirm that the rj45 connection is the other way around.

in your diagram you have inserted 1n4001 between esp and step down which is useless except to cause you to have a voltage drop, the diode in question should already be present on the pin vin of your esp board, it is advisable that you mount a 1n5817 / 18/19 between rj45 and step down to protect the telescope

Wixely commented 2 years ago

Regarding the RJ12 connector, I'm unhappy with my diagram and I plan to redo it. One of the issues is that the RJ12 cables come in reversed versions, and I think I've been using a reversed cable. Thank you very much for your input.