Wixely / CelestronESPWifi

ESP based wifi adapter for Celestron telescopes
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Controls problem #4

Open icefabio opened 2 years ago

icefabio commented 2 years ago

I made your project with a wemos d1 mini. Compared to the original scheme I only removed the resistance and the shot on EN pin.

Connection with SkyPortal or SkySafari works well but the up / down / right / left controls, that move the telescope, doesn't. Sometimes they get stuck or stay in motion.

I was having a doubt. Could it be the diodes? I have mounted two IN4148. They are correct?

Thank you!

Note I have a Celestron Nexstar 5 STL

5a796d commented 2 years ago

i don't know d1 mini, try unplug GPIO15 from GND. GPIO15 should already be connected to GND on the board via pull down resistor.

should there be no changes try to reverse tx and rx on the code, it is in the first lines

Wixely commented 2 years ago

Hi @icefabio, I have seen this happen too during development. If you unplug your telescopes keypad do you see an improvement? It could be the RTS pin (GPIO2) is not working correctly. Keep in mind that GPIO2 is marked as D4 on the Wemos D1 Mini. Similarly GPIO4 is marked as D2. If you have these mixed up then it might behave as you describe. Can you check the pins are correct? I think your diodes should be fine if you are able to get the scope to move at all, if they arent correct then you most likely wouldnt be able to connect in the first place.

icefabio commented 2 years ago

Hi, many thanks for you reply :)

i don't know d1 mini, try unplug GPIO15 from GND. GPIO15 should already be connected to GND on the board via pull down resistor.

My wemos doesn't have G15 connected to GND.

icefabio commented 2 years ago

Hi @Wixely,

Hi @icefabio, I have seen this happen too during development. If you unplug your telescopes keypad do you see an improvement?

No, same problem. :(

It could be the RTS pin (GPIO2) is not working correctly. Keep in mind that GPIO2 is marked as D4 on the Wemos D1 Mini. Similarly GPIO4 is marked as D2. If you have these mixed up then it might behave as you describe. Can you check the pins are correct?

Yes. RTS is correctly connected to G2 (D4 in my board).

This is my complete scheme:


I also tried to make a circuit exactly like yours with a 12F but the problem is the same. :(


icefabio commented 2 years ago

Hi @Wixely, just to be sure .. which type of diode did you use?