Wiz-IO / platformio-quectel-examples

Examples for PlatformIO Quectel
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atfwd example compile error #3

Closed devwoojin closed 4 years ago

devwoojin commented 4 years ago


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Executing task: C:.platformio\penv\Scripts\platformio.exe run <

Processing bg96 (platform: quectel; board: bg96; framework: threadx)

Verbose mode can be enabled via -v, --verbose option <<<<<<<<<<<< QUECTEL BG96 MODULE 2018 Georgi Angelov >>>>>>>>>>>> CONFIGURATION: https://docs.platformio.org/page/boards/quectel/bg96.html PLATFORM: Quectel 2.0.14 #ba06662 > Quectel BG96 module HARDWARE: ARM, MDM9206 1200MHz, 3.00MB RAM, 3.00MB Flash DEBUG: Current (uart) On-board (uart) PACKAGES: framework-quectel 02002ee, toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi 1.70201.0 (7.2.1) CORE bg96 SDK2 RO_BASE = 0x40000000 HEAP = 1048576 LDF: Library Dependency Finder -> http://bit.ly/configure-pio-ldf LDF Modes: Finder ~ chain, Compatibility ~ soft Found 0 compatible libraries Scanning dependencies... No dependencies Building in release mode Compiling .pio\build\bg96\src\main.o Linking .pio\build\bg96\program.elf .pio\build\bg96\src\main.o: In function TXM_MODULE_THREAD_ENTRY': main.c:(.library+0x4c): undefined reference toqapi_atfwd_Pass_Pool_Ptr' collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status *** [.pio\build\bg96\program.elf] Error 1 ========================================================================================== [FAILED] Took 2.98 seconds ========================================================================================== The terminal process terminated with exit code: 1

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there are two qapi_atfwd.h bg96>SKD2>qapi>qapi_atfwd.h bg96>SKD424>qapi>qapi_atfwd.h

Wiz-IO commented 4 years ago

the examples is from SDK3 and must be valid for SDK4

SDK2 not have qapi_atfwd_Pass_Pool_Ptr, if you have SDK2 archive - get example from there or ask from Quectel

devwoojin commented 4 years ago

quectel eval board + BG96 + PlatformIO

ATI Quectel BG96 Revision: BG96MAR02A07M1G


patformio.ini [env:bg96] platform = quectel board = bg96 framework = threadx upload_port = COM26

threadx-bg96.py .... def dev_init(env, platform): dev_create_template(env) dev_compiler(env) framework_dir = env.PioPlatform().get_package_dir("framework-quectel") core = env.BoardConfig().get("build.core") env.sdk = env.BoardConfig().get("build.sdk", "SDK2").upper() #SDK2 #SDK2831 #SDK325 #SDK424

the default main.c only works SDK2 , SDK2831 SDK325, SDK424 build, upload success but not work.

Wiz-IO commented 4 years ago

are you switch SDK from platformio.ini ;board_build.sdk = ; empty is SDK2, other SDK2831 SDK325 SDK424

Wiz-IO commented 4 years ago

btw: you can not use SDK3/4 with BG96MAR02A07M1G SDK3 is for ...RA3...


devwoojin commented 4 years ago

thank you..^^