Wizcorp / phonegap-facebook-plugin

The official plugin for Facebook in Apache Cordova/PhoneGap
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getLoginStatus always give me "connected" status even I call facebookConnectPlugin.logout function. #1086

Open imhassan opened 9 years ago

imhassan commented 9 years ago

On android device "facebookConnectPlugin.getLoginStatus()" always give "connected" status after logging first time. It is not completely logging out fb user. I also called "facebookConnectPlugin.logout()" when user clicks on "logout" button and this is returning "OK" in success response. But I wonder When user click again on "login" it does not ask for email/password and logged-in previous user.

eprabhakar commented 9 years ago

@imhassan I have the same issues. Do you have any luck in resolving this?

imhassan commented 9 years ago

No it gives 'connected' status, I managed it locally to clear my own local-storage and sent back to login screen.

eprabhakar commented 9 years ago

Thank you for the quick response. I am not sure where the facebook login accessToken stored, inside localStorage or sessionStorage? Did you use localStorage.clear() to enforce the facebook login prompt again after logut?

imhassan commented 9 years ago

No there is not any specific accessToken stored in localstorage.