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Create a new package for binding the ADM to react #28

Open LeoUrzua opened 4 years ago

LeoUrzua commented 4 years ago

Use the core functionality of https://github.com/wizeline/access-decision-manager/tree/master/packages/access-decision-manager to bind ADM to react

What is this ticket trying to accomplish?

Bind ADM functionality to react, so access to routes/components can be managed in a granular way

Objective / Action items:

Create a package that determines access to react components or routes using the core ADM functionality


Context: react a JavaScript library to build user interfaces using components that can share data, typically, using a top-down approach where the parent component passes data (props) to its children components. These props can be data or functions. A React update released a feature called Context which is designed to share data that can be considered "global" for a tree of React components.

As mentioned above react provides a context feature to create global props(these can be functions)

Since we need to check access in any level of the react tree component the usage of Context is adequate.

To provision an AccessDesicionManagerProvider we need:

First, create an AccessDesicionManagerProvider that receives (user or getUser?:any, voters: Voter[], createContext?) . (In this way we are following the format of the rest of the packages and we enable the ADM core package to be implemented)

Then inside the provider, we need to return a Context.Provider (this one is going to be consumed by the clients of this package

At the end we are going to have something like this:

const AccessDecisionManagerProvider = (getUser: any, voters: Voter[], createContext?: any) => {
    const value = {
        new AccessDecisionManager(
           await getUser(req),
    const Context = React.createContext(value);
    // const useADM = () => {
    //     const context = React.useContext(Context);
    //     return context;
    // }
    return <Context.Provider value={value}></Context.Provider>;
export default AccessDecisionManagerProvider;
export {
    // useADM,

and then the clients can use it with something like this


const App = () => {
    const user = {
        id: 1,
    const voters: Voter[] = [someVoters]
    return (
        <AuthZProvider user={user} voters={voters}>
            <div>My App</div>
const Profile = () => {
    // const context = useADM();
    const context = useContext(Context);
    context.isGranted('post', 123);

Note: I placed a commend with an alternative way to accomplish the same result and that is not the end code it is just some PoC

m14t commented 4 years ago

Thanks for putting this together! I would love to see a React binding for this library.

I have a few nit-picks about the naming and structure of things, but also a few questions.

The first is what version fo React we want to support? I think hooks are becoming very popular and so would like to make this use those as our first implementation -- but possibly in the future we could also support HOCs or renderProps if there was desire for those.

If we go that route, I think we should take a look at https://usehooks.com/useAuth/ as an example of how this code could be structured. That looks very clean to me. I think this is similar to the intent you have here.

One of the larger changes would be that the consumers of this package should not really need to "know" that we are using context at all. They should just include the AccessDecisionMangerProvider component just below their "UserProvider", and then have access to an useIsGranted hook anywhere else in their app.

LeoUrzua commented 4 years ago

he first is what version fo React we want to support? I think hooks are becoming very popular and so would like to make this use those as our first implementation -- but possibly in the future we could also

I agree about the hooks implementation. And yes, I was doing in two different ways in the example (the one commented and the other one).so show different options but I also prefer the one that you suggested.

Here is how I think it is going to look (there are some missing details but I'll be iterating over them)

type ADMContextType = {
    isGranted: (attribute: string, subject: any)=> Promise<Boolean>;

const admContext = createContext<ADMContextType>({
        return Promise.resolve(false);

export const ProvideADM = ({voters, children}: {voters: Voter[], children: any}) => {
    const accessDecisionManager = new AccessDecisionManager(null, voters, null);
    const adm = useProvideADM(accessDecisionManager);
    return <admContext.Provider value={adm}>{children}</admContext.Provider>

export const useADM = () => {
    return useContext(admContext);

const useProvideADM = (accessDecisionManager: AccessDecisionManager) => {

    const isGranted = async (attribute:any, subject:any) : Promise<Boolean> => {
        const isGranted = await accessDecisionManager.isGranted(attribute, subject);
        return isGranted;

    return {

About the naming, I updated some of the variables

Please let me know you think about

Component name -> ProvideADM Context -> useADM Hook name -> isGranted

There are still a couple of things that I'd like to review. Since we are using react we have the state management which is going to manage user, context

So, the user is going to be provisioned by a father component ... something like this

             <ProvideADM user={user} voters={voters({})}>

In this case, the user variable would be something like:

const user = {
   id: <T>

So, the ADM would have an interface similar to this:

export const ProvideADM = ({voters, user, context,children}: {voters: Voter[], user: any, context: any, children: any}) => {

And I was wondering if that was ok. since we might want to get the user and the context from somewhere else.

Would it be better to change user->getUse?

so we would getUser from the state(hopefully using a hook that ProvideUser implements

and the same case for context (if it is not provisioned then we are going to try to get from any parent component->hook)


Do we want to get the user from a hook within the React package or just inject the user variable?

And the same question for context

My personal point of view:

I think we need to inject the user in the component <ProvideADM user={user | currentUser |.. etc}

In that way, a user can be injected using whatever variable it is stored like the line above.

m14t commented 4 years ago

I think we are converging on a similar idea, which is a good sign!


  1. I think verbose names are usually better than short ones, especially when you are creating a library, and even more so when the consumer of your library won't be using it in many locations. As such, I think AccessDecisionManagerProvider is probably a good name for that component.
  2. For the hook, Hooks must start with use*, so I think I'm still leaning towards useIsGranted there.



If I am reading this correctly, I like your final suggestion of this taking the following props:

  1. user -- this should be of the same type of the ADM, which I believe is an optional anything. Most of the time this will be an object, but I don't think this object has any requirements on it. For example while it might be common for this object to have an id it also might be totally possible for it to use email as the primary identifier. Similarly, this "user" could be just a number/string that represents the ID of the user. I don't think this would be my preferred implementation, but I don't think there is anything about the ADM patter that would prevent this.
  2. voters -- again, similar to the ADM this will be an array of Voters.
  3. "options" -- This should mirror the work we do in https://github.com/wizeline/access-decision-manager/pull/23 . I'm not sure if we want to accept an options object here or if we would do something like:
    const AccessDecisionManagerProvider = (props) => {
        const { children, user, voters, ...options } = props;
        /* ... */

useIsGranted hook

I think the way that this would be the easiest to use would be if this hook took 1 required, and 1 optional argument, just like adm.isGranted. This hook would internally fetch the context to get the ADM, and call it's isGranted method.

const MyPostComponent = (props) => {
    const userCanEdit = useIsGranted('edit-post', props.post);
LeoUrzua commented 4 years ago

Yes! it is taking a better shape. I feel that it is time to start to code the concept.


I totally agree with the naming.



1.,2. Agree

3. I am afraid that I didn't get it.

What is the interface of the options argument?

 createContext?: Function()
 strategy?: Function()

Q: What is going to be the default value that we are going to failover if a context is not provided?

    const context =
        typeof createContext === 'function'
    ? createContext() : <AnySuggestion>?;

or are these options the ones that voters use? like we do with the PSK? in the express binding

If that's the case, we can use those options as we did it (within the voters, for example, some PSK | apiKey)

        (req) => req.user,
          someApiKey: process.env.SOME_PSK,


const voterFactory = (options: Options): Voter[] => {

app.use(AccessDecisionManagerProvider( (req) => users[req.headers.authorization], voters({}) ));

Can you please elaborate more on the options argument.

useIsGranted hook

The current implementation uses something like

const SecretComponent: React.FC = (props) => {
    const accessDecisionManager = useAccessDecisionManager();
    const userCanSee = accessDecisionManager.useIsGranted('EDIT_POST', props.post);

But I notice in your comment above that useAccessDecisionManager() is not being imported and useIsGranted being implemented directly.

...About the next text

This hook would internally fetch the context to get the ADM, and call it's isGranted method.

How different is from the proposed solution?