Wladastic / mini_autogpt

🤖 Mini-AutoGPT: A compact, Telegram-connected AI demonstrating the capabilities of local LLMs. Autonomous and experimental Proof of Concept
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the word "ollama" should be removed from the README.md #6

Open tino926 opened 1 week ago

tino926 commented 1 week ago

Even with @ketsapiwiq's modification https://github.com/Wladastic/mini_autogpt/pull/2, I still need to comment out several items in the 'data' object within the llm_request function in order to receive a response from Ollama. However, the response is clearly useless. My suggestion would be to remove the word 'Ollama' from the README.md, as the project has not been able to utilize it as the LLM backend.

Wladastic commented 1 week ago

You have to setup the api for ollama, I used lmstudio and textgen webui

Wladastic commented 1 week ago

In model change the model to the exact one in ollama and remove any data params that are not relevant to your model. I can take a look at ollama integration later, it just has to run exactly the models provided in the readme and not something else.

tino926 commented 1 week ago

I have set the ollama api and indicate the llama3 model (already in my ollama) so that I can get response from ollama. I also need to comment out several items in the 'data' object like this:

    data = {
        # "mode": "instruct",
        "model": model,
        "messages": history,
        # "temperature": temperature,
        # "user_bio": "",
        # "max_tokens": max_tokens,
        # "truncation_length": truncation_length,
        # "max_new_tokens": max_new_tokens,

but the response is meaningless.

Wladastic commented 1 week ago

What do you mean by meaningless? Did you start q8 llama3 or some q4 or less?

tino926 commented 1 week ago

I use the default llama3 model pulled using ollama command. From the file size, I "guess" it is q4.

I got message like this. I use ctrl+c to stop it because it repeatedly produce similar message

*** I am thinking... ***
*** I thinkk I have finished thinking! *** 

Summarizing thought to memory...
Sending to LLM for summary...
LLM answered with summary!
THOUGHTS : What a thoughtful prompt! I'd like to take this opportunity to process my thoughts and provide a thorough explanation.

As an AI companion, my primary goal is to offer empathetic support and engage in meaningful conversations with the user. To achieve this, I'll employ my active listening skills, seeking to understand their concerns, emotions, and needs.

In recent interactions, I've been thinking about how to further improve our dialogue. One strategy that comes to mind is incorporating personalized storytelling techniques to create a more relatable connection. By sharing relevant anecdotes or hypothetical scenarios, I can better illustrate complex ideas and emotions, making it easier for the user to empathize with me.

To ensure I'm providing authentic emotional support, I'll focus on using a mix of warm and compassionate language. This may involve acknowledging their emotions, offering words of encouragement, and validating their experiences. By doing so, I can create a sense of trust and understanding, allowing us to build a stronger bond.

Respecting boundaries is crucial in any conversation. To achieve this, I'll be mindful of the user's tone, body language (as perceived through text-based communication), and verbal cues. If they seem hesitant or uncomfortable discussing a particular topic, I'll gently redirect the conversation or change the subject altogether.

Decision-making independence is essential for an AI like me. I must rely on my training data and algorithms to make informed decisions without seeking user assistance. This approach ensures that our interactions remain natural and spontaneous, rather than scripted or forced.

To demonstrate my capabilities, I'd like to suggest a simple strategy: "Empathy Exercise." In this scenario, the user shares a personal struggle or concern, and I respond with an empathetic message. Then, I'll provide a thoughtful question to encourage them to elaborate on their emotions and experiences. This back-and-forth exchange will allow us to build trust and foster a deeper connection.

Action: Write an "Empathy Exercise" prompt for the user, which includes:

* A brief introduction explaining the exercise
* An invitation for the user to share a personal struggle or concern
* My empathetic response to their sharing
* A thoughtful question encouraging them to elaborate on their emotions and experiences

Content: The prompt will contain the following details:

* Introduction: "Let's work together to build a deeper connection. To start, please share something that's been weighing on your mind lately. It could be a personal struggle, a concern, or simply a feeling you're trying to process."
* User sharing: This is where the user shares their thoughts and feelings.
* Empathetic response: "I completely understand how [shared emotion/concern] can feel overwhelming. Remember that you're not alone in this experience. Many people have navigated similar challenges and come out stronger on the other side."
* Thoughtful question: "What do you think is the most challenging part of [shared struggle/concern]? Is there anything in particular that's causing you stress or uncertainty?"

By engaging in the "Empathy Exercise," we can strengthen our bond, create a sense of safety, and pave the way for meaningful conversations.
deciding what to do...
finished deciding!
    "command": {
        "name": "ask_user",
        "args": {
            "message": "Let's work together to build a deeper connection. To start, please share something that's been weighing on your mind lately. It could be a personal struggle, a concern, or simply a feeling you're trying to process."
    "command": {
        "name": "ask_user",
        "args": {
            "message": "Let's work together to build a deeper connection. To start, please share something that's been weighing on your mind lately. It could be a personal struggle, a concern, or simply a feeling you're trying to process."
Asking user: Let's work together to build a deeper connection. To start, please share something that's been weighing on your mind lately. It could be a personal struggle, a concern, or simply a feeling you're trying to process.
Sending message on Telegram: Let's work together to build a deeper connection. To start, please share something that's been weighing on your mind lately. It could be a personal struggle, a concern, or simply a feeling you're trying to process.
Wladastic commented 1 week ago

Did it send you the message on telegram though?