WoW-CMS / BlizzCMS

BlizzCMS is a CMS built with CodeIgniter 3 for World of Warcraft emulators.
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🐛 [Bug Report]: Unable to send email using PHP SMTP. #156

Open lightningcal opened 1 month ago

lightningcal commented 1 month ago

BlizzCMS Version




PHP Version

PHP 8.1

Operating system


Web server




What happened?

I'm unable to get SMTP work, using AWS SES which requires TLS. I've verified my smtp creds are correct thru a separate script to send an email. I also tried gmail SMTP and that also failed. Is there a particular smtp service I should be using instead? SendGrid, Mailgun, etc...?

Here's screenshots of the AWS SES smtp error, and gmail smtp error. smtp Screenshot 2024-05-15 001436 image

How can the issue be reproduced?

Configure smtp in settings. Click verify to try to send a test email. The errors I attached are from that. I've also verified if you enable email verification then create an account you won't get the email.


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lightningcal commented 1 month ago

Apparently this is known codeigniter3 issue.

I solved it in my copy of BlizzCMS by adding:


after: $this->email->message($message);

in the file: application/models/Auth_model.php