WoWManiaUK / Blackwing-Lair

WoW-Reign - Blackwing Lair - 4.3.4 PvP Realm
27 stars 13 forks source link

[NPC] Flamebringer - 56914 - Grizzly Hills #1341

Open Drostthehunter opened 5 years ago

Drostthehunter commented 5 years ago

Links: (!) What is happening: You are not able to use the Flamebringer (!) after talking to him, he appears as a hostile npc that you are able to kill, instead to mount him up and use him to kill, this issue was live on Redemption for a while and fixed recently. Level 71 is unable to kill this elite without the drake. Screenshot_24 Screenshot_23

Screenshots showing what i have described already.

What should happen: After you talk ot the Flamebringer (*) you are supposed to mount him up, when you get a set of abilities you can use to defeat the Elite. Anyhow the quest is still doable without the drake as shown on screenshot: Screenshot_25

Echinaceax commented 4 years ago

Not fixed apparently The dragon is not mountable dragon is indeed hostile and you kill it only

reported by player to a GM

Echinaceax commented 3 years ago

bq next update