WoWManiaUK / Blackwing-Lair

WoW-Reign - Blackwing Lair - 4.3.4 PvP Realm
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[Item] Hearthstone's Home location changing #3671

Open Nacho-k opened 4 years ago

Nacho-k commented 4 years ago

Links: WL1 Wl2 Wl3

What is happening:

Something in dustwallow marsh in Beezil's wreck is changing the hearthstone's location to Warchief's lookout in the lost isles, probably the acidic (ID=76032) and bubbling (ID=76288) swamp oozes around the zone but im not 100% sure.

What should happen:

The hearthstone's location should not change.

Rushor commented 4 years ago

this is really strange. removed the wrong behaviour of the 2 creatures.

Echinaceax commented 4 years ago

still an issue

i hearthstoned from Throne of the tides dungeon and i was sent to


my HS is set in Dalaran :)