WoWManiaUK / Blackwing-Lair

WoW-Reign - Blackwing Lair - 4.3.4 PvP Realm
27 stars 13 forks source link

[Quest] An End To All Things... Dragon disappears, health glitched #4146

Open Nellieb1y opened 4 years ago

Nellieb1y commented 4 years ago

What is happening: On mounting the dragon, I die constantly, because the arrows from the elite soldiers reach me and kill me almost straight away. OR the dragon disappears in a couple of minutes, dropping me to my death. In combat, even far from the ballistae, my health bar stays at 100% but I see the UI red "Low Health" in about a minute, and I drop from the sky and die.... or just die, even if close to the ground. All my gear is now red, and my body is up on a cliff, and I cannot get close enough... so stuck.

What should happen: As described in the wowhead link:

Echinaceax commented 3 years ago

update i also seen that ours is to agressive in comparision to this video