WoWManiaUK / Blackwing-Lair

WoW-Reign - Blackwing Lair - 4.3.4 PvP Realm
27 stars 13 forks source link

[NPC/Object] Slipstream - The Vortex Pinnacle #4288

Open Echinaceax opened 4 years ago

Echinaceax commented 4 years ago


No info shown on cavenoftimes about this

so have to use twinhead

What is happening:

What should happen:

From what i see here

these at the left and right of the enterance are not meant to be here

not even meant to be here

I think you should deactivate these to stop the bug atm, until we can confirm where they actually meant to connect too.

Note: To fix this hover bug player must relog

Echinaceax commented 4 years ago

I added this confirm because ive seen with own eyes and other players having same bug, its just nobody has reported this so i have had too :)

tested on dev and confirmed