WoWManiaUK / Blackwing-Lair

WoW-Reign - Blackwing Lair - 4.3.4 PvP Realm
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[Quest] The Battle For Crusaders' Pinnacle (ally phasing issue) but can complete quest - Icecrown ID:13141 #4593

Open gonimajuan opened 4 years ago

gonimajuan commented 4 years ago


from WoWHead or our Armory

What is happening: In the zone where you're supposed to complete the objective there is no npc's/enemies. Whenever i walk up to the Spire, it doesn't let me use the Blessed Banner of the Crusade, which is supposed to let me complete the quest

What should happen:

Is it crashing the server?: No

Other Information: Zone seems to be abandoned, there is supposed to be some NPC's along with some elite enemies.

Echinaceax commented 4 years ago

Tested horde char PTR

@gonimajuan the pile of skulls is not where the video says its over a little but quest works i see all npcs too btw (phasing issues for you maybe)

just go to the pile of skulls here and use quest item

pile of skulls


then the npc fight starts


Cant hand quest back in though

cant hand back

Echinaceax commented 4 years ago

Update from GM from live

@ DEVS Seems that there are some phasing issues will update this soon

tested Ally char PTR

From what i can see, Ally chars cant see NPCs

skulls for quest is here, so can complete quest but cant deliver it back

skulls here no npcs

2 completed ally

Cant hand the quest in though npc missing (phasing too)

phasing npc

Deathghat commented 2 years ago

as of 9/20/2021, For Ally, pile of skulls does not exist, unable to complete quest.