WoWManiaUK / Redemption

WoW-Mania - Redemption - 3.3.5 PvE Realm
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[Raid] Rotface #2032

Closed GMWeeble closed 6 years ago

GMWeeble commented 6 years ago

When attempting rotface he sometimes at a random point starts to evade. Not able to be killed by players and needs a reset by a GM. Or if raid wipes.

When reseting the boss it buggs him in another way. When the raid attempts to fight him again after a short period in the fight he teleports everyone inside the raid to the enterance.

Keader commented 6 years ago

Teleport everyone means that some boss before Rotface is not killed my guess is Deathbringer... Next time that it happens, can you test something for me?

use this command in game:

.i get 2 .i get 3

Check if return DONE for both

fvicaria commented 6 years ago

How often does this happen and how can we reproduce it?

GMWeeble commented 6 years ago

No this issue does happen when Rotface is killed and repsawned. Same with Festergut. I do think it is because you respawn a boss that is killed and has mechanics leading up to Proffesor. So if he is respawned he does teleport players back. But this is not the issue.

Issue is that Rotface gets stuck unreset after a wipe. It could also be at some points he just for some reason evades and does not reset. But a wipe does not reset the boss.

Keader commented 6 years ago

Respawned by some GM or respawned by server?

fvicaria commented 6 years ago

Why would it be killed and respawned? It should never be killed by a GM in the first place.

GMWeeble commented 6 years ago

If the boss is unkillable by players I need to respawn it. And to respawn him I need to kill him.

Keader commented 6 years ago

"unkillable by players" In what situation?

GMWeeble commented 6 years ago

When the raid Wipes the boss does not reset. Instead he just stands where he was when the raid wiped and is evading everything.

fvicaria commented 6 years ago

It just needs testing now.

squalllh1989 commented 6 years ago

Well first of all, i know about the bug that GMWeeble mentioned, sometimes, randomly, when the raid wipe at rotface, he will not reset, instead he keep the hp remain that the raid fight him reduce him to before they wipe, or regen a bit after the raid wipe (example: the raid wipe when he got 20% hp left, he can stand there with 20% hp, or regen to 25, 28, 30, 36% instead of reset to 100% hp), then he just stand arround (usually not in the right position that he should stand when not pulled), every attack and skill cast on him will be evaded. The raid can't do anything in this case and will need to make a ticket call for help to a gm. I don't know how gm deal with this bug as usually everyone in the raid will need to get out of icc before gm fix the bug. The problem for the testing is, since the evade bug out and incorrect reset is randomly, i can't seem to be reproceduce this bug, tried many way like fight a bit then die, reduce his hp then die, etc, he still reset perfectly.

TheManiax commented 6 years ago

I couldn't reproduce either Any info about how to reproduce it would be appriciated But for now, Best way is to send a Dev to check the boss while it happens on Redemption Needs GM + Dev association

fvicaria commented 6 years ago

I think the best approach to this one now is see how it behaves in a real raid.

GMWeeble commented 6 years ago

Val and I were able to reproduce the issue. When he does slime spray he evades. So if a wipe happens during the slime spray he will stay evading (not normal evade)

fvicaria commented 6 years ago

He does not evade. He just clears the target. I doubt this is the reason.

squalllh1989 commented 6 years ago

this is exactly what this problem is: wowscrnshot_010818_024714 Just got this right now, posting this while waiting for ticket :D

VA-L commented 6 years ago

Yep, it's already fixed on dev.

squalllh1989 commented 6 years ago

Tested and confirm, all fix work beside the evades one work correctly (can't confirm the evades since i can't reproduce it).

GMWeeble commented 6 years ago

You need to be atleast 2. I dont think we did mannage with one only.

squalllh1989 commented 6 years ago

well i test with 2 toon while dual box, and can see perfectly all other fix work, just all my attempt to intendly make him bug out don't work so can't test that.