WoWManiaUK / Redemption

WoW-Mania - Redemption - 3.3.5 PvE Realm
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[Trinket] Super Simian Sphere - shapeshift cant be removed after relog #6208

Closed Woofles closed 3 months ago

Woofles commented 4 months ago

Super Simian Sphere

What is Happening: If the player logs out with the buff on, the visual buff and the shapeshift state stay even after removing the buff and unequiping the trinket. That makes mounting and using flightpaths impossible. Bug was visible from an alt toon as well. image image After a 2nd relog still active. image

Maine1 commented 4 months ago

@Rushor Super Simian Sphere Is supposed to be removed after buff cancelled or trinket removed.

Rushor commented 3 months ago

bubble and transform will now be removed if ape buff is canceled

Echinaceax commented 3 months ago

Fixed in PTR

Note the 5 mins timer will still remain on logout and only count down when online on login player can still right click the buff off manually (to remove visual effect)